Category: Uncategorized

  • Drift Life

    I am walking walking drifting Through my tender life My feet have refused To touch the sidewalks For many years This is an ordinary madness That many share But do not totally own

  • The Sixth Month

    June 11 Monday  The Holy Ghost also is a witness to us Their sins and iniquities Will I remember no more   Hebrews 10: 15-17.   June 12 Tuesday  But ye beloved, building up yourselves On your most holy faith Praying in the Holy Ghost Keep yourselves in the love of God   Jude  20: […]

  • Maillol’s Pebble

    It was as I combed the empty beach That I found a smooth pebble resembling A work by the sculptor Maillol I warmed it in my palm without thought And later presented it to my library   A Bitter Wind in March Spring days mild and bright Are only a matter of weeks away But […]

  • Lazy Sax

    Lazy Sax Hollow in the grace brittle wind A lone musician Haunts the lazy sax   View from the Bandstand I will visit this bandstand In the comfort of the season And look out to sea     The Leas Folkestone (2/22)  

  • A Pacifist with a Gun

    I am a pacifist and mean no harm to anyone I love my fellow man and try to follow God’s word But if anybody tries to break up my perfect world I will blow his fucking head off   Anon  

  • London Bridge

    Each morning as I walk to work I watch the mighty river Flowing towards the sea   What do I hope for What do I cherish A small finch sings   These are mysterious words Beyond my immediate understanding I know nothing of the souls of birds   I was born in a house An […]

  • Lamorna Jones

    I am looking Between your thighs At the moon leaves Green with moss And am satisfied That I now know you Well enough To walk with you

  • Just Passing By

    All I can see is Space Movement & Light Nothing else really matters As I pass by

  • Mar Quay

    The Toad that ate the Snatch Leaf The toad that ate the snatch leaf Knew all the secrets of the tide It knew where the sands Were at their softest And the waters far and wide   Owen Owen MacArthur Owen Owen MacArthur Was a master of the sea He knew the depths Of all the […]

  • Le voyage de Jane Miller

    L’aube Lever du soleil Matin Midi Apres-midi Soir Coucher de soleil Crepuscule       Voyagez bien Jane Miller Reviens-moi