Category: Uncategorized

  • Mermaid

    I have fallen in love with a mermaid  A mermaid that I met last year  During our holiday in Greece  Does that mean that we are finished  That you do not love me anymore  Do not be foolish Anna the mermaid was only a mosaic  At the bottom of a swimming pool  Yet she was […]

  • One Hurts the Other Doesn’t

    A few days ago I tripped over My French wooden bed In a moment of sheer carelessness I hurt a toe and upset the other one At first I thought I had broken Both of these small toes But once the swelling had faded They were shown to be bruised But still very very painful […]

  • Platform 12 at Etwah

    I am sitting on a concrete jetty in a small town on the east coast of Amerika My feet are dangling in the pleasantly warm sea Our dog Lucy is watching a few gulls squabbling over a striken sandwich   I have closed my eyes and am working in a bookstall on platform 12 On […]

  • The Moon and Jane

    I envy the moon as it gets to caress Your naked body as you sleep But it does not share your dreams

  • Sleeping With Eunice

    When I woke from my storm dreams I expected chaos but there was only calm After I had looked out of my top window I promised The beach that I would visit her later in the day I knew then that I was in a relationship with a crab   Within the hour the whipping […]

  • The Harvest King

    The Harvest King Will forever ride With soft Eve Pendle At his side       Eve Pendle 2022

  • My Sister in Paris

    My sister in Paris recently sent me six lavender handkerchiefs I will keep them in my bottom drawer Until the day that I meet the girl of my dreams I am a rather choosy flower Who will not share her life and her beloved books As I am so much greater than my raven looks […]

  • The Listening Bricks of Ne Paul

    How many bricks do you think constitute the average house I have no idea 23 No If it was an average two bedroom house then you would need around 8300 bricks Why are telling me this Because your house listens to you every minute of every day What happens if I am not there Then […]

  • Blonde Sleeping Naked Under A Green Coat In A Forest

    You are partially covered by your green coat With only your arms and legs exposed Others would mistake you for Ophelia But you are sleeping on luxurious grass Within a small dream deep in the dark forest

  • Tea with Jack

    When you sit in the dark You quickly find out That the ghosts Are indeed friendly   And that you too A r e a g h o s t