Category: Uncategorized

  • Last Instructions to a Painter

    If you were an artist and not a poet my friend I would suggest your immediate suicide under a train As your hand is quite vacant and your eye wretched But you are poet full of wit and have the ridicule of a subtle pen I dare not read your works for fear of my […]

  • AM

    I (AM) just a poet

  • The Blue Rider

    I am on the platform of Earls Court underground station As its architecture interests me a great deal I am sketching with a charcoal pencil And am using a dark blue wash I call myself the blue rider But I am not an artist I am just a poet         A M […]

  • Matilda on the Beach

    Matilda was running down a grassy slope On the hinterlands of the beach As she moved playfully away from the boat She startled a few seagulls Who had been resting unseen Away from the day trippers It was at this moment That a soft sea shanty Was being written in braille By my sister as […]

  • Canal du Midi

    All women are basically bisexual Anna What makes you say that I would imagine that my vocal cords and larynx help We are on the Canal du Midi Joe Dassin is playing on the radio It is thirty-three degrees in the shade I read it in an Amerikan academic paper Really It stands to reason […]

  • Green Mansions

    I have just watched a movie on the television What was the movie called Green Mansions Where are you at present Anna On a train Where is the train It is waiting at a station What station Diary 2022 Let me know when you are passing Orange Tea And I will run a bath for […]

  • Anna and Anna Go Boating

    Anna and Anna are sitting in a green boat They were due to meet Celine and Julie at ^ The boating lake is in the centre of Paris And was designed by Anna and Anna’s Aunt Anna Who was also called Anna for short Celine and Julie have abandoned numbers Which accounts for their lateness

  • Anna and Anna Visit Cambridge Railway Station

    The limits of my language determines the limits of my world Who said that Wittgenstein What is he saying What are the limits of your world Anna  I am not aware of the limits of my language  Then you are not aware of the limits of your world  That is a fair comment  How do […]

  • A Sculpture Drawn From War

    Today I found a small piece of rough concrete With two small pebbles embedded in its mass My find was once part of our wartime sea defences Which had been broken down and weathered by the sea Yet it had in its destruction achieved a considerable beauty of its own I called the larger of […]

  • Glow Lamps in Reflection

    Jane and I stopped for a break We chose a chic china coffee shop Opposite the oldest building in town And watched the people pass by Most were students enjoying their learning Others were tourists attracted by the cathedral Yet I could not help but notice that the lonely glow lamps Had begun their long […]