Category: Uncategorized

  • Batman is Near

    Batman is Near Red and Black Dominates The Station of Fools

  • A Tip For Those Who Live In Cities

    If you are ever arrested by the cops Do not answer their questions Blank stare and remain silent And always finish your coffee That is so very important As Batman might be passing  

  • Amerika Joyce

    Six weeks before he was due to retire My grandpa was called to a break in at a hardware store in town He found three boys from the city there And told them to surrender their weapons They did nothing of the sort and shot him six times When my mom heard of this she […]

  • Flamingo Seas

    When the sea Is a Flamingo Pink I let my crew Swim naked Off of the starboard Side of my ship It is the right thing to do

  • Flamingo Sky

    We called our firstborn daughter Flamingo Sky That was a number of years ago And now she is a Sea Captain Of giant ships that pass out cliff top home She always waves enthusiastically as she passes On her travels towards the New World

  • The Green Ray

    It was like bumping into a friend You had not seen for many years A pure coincidence Orbits colliding Without reason   I had not planned to visit The beach that morning But I just found myself there Attracted by the luminous sea   I knew that the sun was about to rise And slowly […]

  • 8

    All our poets are dying  A disease is killing them  Soon there will be no poets    This is of no matter As our poetry is recorded   But what of the new voices  Will I hear them  In the accepted silences         

  • Sunrise

    Shake your camera When taking the photographs Use a vivid filter  And then you will   Caress the sea     

  • The Sea in all its Luminosity

    The sea that morning was more luminous Than I have ever seen it or expected it to be A few ships distant on the silver horizon Were moving so slowly that they appeared to be still   I was on the beach awaiting the suns rich theatre When I saw a vivid green flash in […]

  • Shinkansen

    In my dream I woke up in Japan I was sitting behind a sturdy barrier In an ultra modern railway station Around me there were a number of rather excited schoolchildren A Bullet Train was about to pass at speed Each of the children had their camera focused on the running line But I had […]