Category: Uncategorized

  • High Tension on a Piano Wire

    I have travelled beyond my existence Cities now talk to me quietly In my silver dreams Only mad women can arrange dances And their books will drown as they bathe Certain dogs have three hearts I can hear them beating loudly In forty-five days this river will flood

  • Days of Wine and Roses

    On the day that Ronald McDonald Purchased a Rizla Rolling Machine I found a smiling stone on Walmer Beach   The weather was mild for mid-December But the light faded before four thirty These were my days of Wine and Roses    

  • India Song

    India Song is a 1975 French movie directed by Marguerite Duras My wife is also called India which is a coincidence but nothing more She was born in a pleasant house that overlooked the Gower Peninsula India is a curator of modern languages and creates sea glass rings in her spare time Like me she […]

  • Otto and his Son

    Since his wife had left him Otto Roope had lived with his only son Thomas in a town house in Canterbury which had pleasant views towards the cathedral Although he was nearing his twenty-fourth year Tom had shown no inclination to leave the family home This suited Otto well as Tom was agreeable company and […]

  • Naked in the Storeroom

    Many years ago when I worked in an ironmongers shop I used to go into the storeroom with a girl named Alice Vanessa We would remove our clothes as soon after the owner of the store left for lunch And stand quite still between the shelves of cleaning fluids and ready made brooms After about […]

  • Drama by the Sea

    Whilst I was in Folkestone I slipped into an obscure doorway f For a quiet fag As the day had been very stressful I hasd also been drinking too much And hated myseld for being so weak It was thwn that I notived a blue plaque Which noted that many yeaes ago Jimi Hendrix had […]

  • The Asphyxiation of Doves

    I am tired of necessary wars As you theorise about the lunar cycles Natural leaders no longer exist Which in turn has thinned the air     Anon 

  • Rain Rain Glass Sea

    Rain Rain Glass Sea Sweet Alexandra Return to Me        

  • The Lost Alexandra

    Jane and I had travelled to Folkestone on a dull December day We walked along the cloud high promenade and followed The Lost Alexandra as she hung high above the silver sea She soon disappeared from view into the low grey sheet skies So we switched our attentions to the bright lights That illuminated this […]

  • Climbing Dane John

    I always try to climb Dane John When I am in the city of the pilgrims But I have no head for heights And quickly become nervous as I ascend But like a mountaineer I do not fade And find myself at the summit in no time at all The views of the city are […]