Category: Uncategorized

  • Outlaw

    You hold the key to my future success I am not aware of this But it is plain for all to see

  • Possession

    I would like to be born Anonymously So that nobody could possess My considerable beauty And call it their own        

  • The Other Mother

    It later told me That when it was Of mature years It too would Give birth to itself  

  • I Gave Birth To Myself

    I woke up during the night And discovered that I have given birth To myself   My child who I Placed on my breast Was identical to me In all features  

  • Not Exactly Snow White

    Each year contains eight mirrors No more or no less They are quite easy to locate If you know where to find them The Eight Mirrors of the Year

  • Simplicity

    I want to cum in your face Julie That might prove a little difficult Sergei Because as you might have noticed we are both astronauts We are also walking in space are are being watched by millions I like being watched Maybe but it is physically impossible in out space suits What about later when […]

  • A Silken Scarf

    When the silken scarf was opened It revealed a few items of jewellery And seventeen unopened letters Which were addressed to the poet These were the tender letters of Sultana Tabet A widow who had once been his friend       Note – When he was seventeen Kahil Gibran was introduced to a widow […]

  • Hi Holland and the Silent Distance

    The shortest way To calculate the distance Between red and blue Is to do nothing Absolutely nothing As it matters little To Hi Holland

  • My Lady Now Weeps

    She arrived on a sea ship In the gowns of the dawn But now finds herself abandoned In the grey city My lady now weeps   My Lady Now Weeps She arrived on a salt ship In gowns orange red and gold But now finds herself abandoned In the granite city My lady now weeps […]

  • The Story of a Love Story

    I blame the snails As their diets are disgusting And their houses are filthy   But they are not the super spreaders That is down to the flies and the like As they take no precautions   Perfectly good spiders are suffering Because of this pestilence It is time for action   Spiders were the […]