Category: Uncategorized

  • Miss 91

    Miss 91 was my art teacher who once a year would help us to decorate parts of The Ride in preparation for the annual award of The Judges The Judges were normally friends of hers from the theatre as before becoming a teacher she had trained to become an actress I do not know why […]

  • Berlin Leipzig Berlin

    Is the name of my cat As it does not answer To its birth name   It is a difficult creature Much given to fighting With other stray cats In the small corners Of my prison   The Figs of Europe You know that Europe is dead And I am impatient to end it   […]

  • She Wanted my Youth

    For a few weeks not long after my seventeenth birthday I had an affair with a married woman She was the wife of an army captain who was away from home It started simply having met ****** whilst bathing in a summer river We started talking and found that we had common interests Nothing happened […]

  • Winning the Skin Wars with Demons 

    Henry is dancing In three counties With Daphne Jill and Christine   Henry is counting In three cities In Paris Rome and Berlin   I am writing About young churches In an illustrated hand   Henry plays the trombone Rather badly In a Carrickfergus band   I am writing Winning the Skin Wars with Demons […]

  • A Cross in the Snow

    There is a cross yes a cross a cross rigid in the snow Look past our winter garden into the brittle orchard It is there that you will see a thin cross Frozen between the leafless fruit trees   Go now and fetch an altar candle from the church table And leave it here in […]

  • Heavy Machinery on the Line

    I am not going anywhere today As the line is blocked No trains will run So I will return home And enjoy a coffee Later today I will research My future journey’s   The Swedish Model The Swedish Model Lies in the ruins Of its own enthusiasm My Swedish friend Has this tattooed On her […]

  • The Ice Cream House

    The Ice Cream House Overlooked The flat grey sea It was as if the day Had never drawn breath     Deal  24/11/21  

  • Coffee Dog

    It is widely assumed that Coffee Dog Died with Butch and Sundance In Bolivia in 1908 But I know the real facts And am willing to share them For a coffee and a bun at Starbucks     E Place 

  • 517,773

    It is only a number and could have been one more or one less But these unidentified soldiers were sons brothers fathers uncles and husbands Whose deaths in the greater were rather needless in my nightfall I survived or rather my body survived but my dreams have been shattered In certain ways I consider this […]

  • A Sea of Blue Plaques

    A sea of blue plaques Of poets lost of words unwritten That is all I have To remember them by     Anon