Category: Uncategorized

  • Lansdowne Dream

    She stood naked on the brow of the hill Admired but untouched by those who passed her I watched her through my large sheet window Hello my name is Ralph Storm I am a retired merchant of Caribbean descent Near my kate gate was bringing the poor girl refreshment For the city was hot that […]

  • The Poetry Field

    You are now cushioned by waves of honey coloured wheat From my vantage I can see the doomed swimmers

  • Anniversary

    Anniversary My father was born on June the 30th 1926 Today is June the 30th 2017 My wife received a compliment about her complexion today Exactly ninety-one years after the birth of my father Anniversary My father was born exactly ninety-one years ago today His heritage was partially Jewish In his lifetime he never visited Norwich Today […]

  • Flawless Skin

    Your skin is flawless A girl in the church told me this as she was serving me tea I was told I was beautiful By a complete stranger who held my hand   In the fields the surround this rural town The golden wheat is being harvested And as I watch the dusts in the […]

  • RSVP Poems

    Wedding Day It is your wedding day soon A day to share A day to remember A day just shy from the stars of December Wedding Day This day will be so special For your family four As you lay the fine ribbons In your marriage drawer Wedding Day The heavens are so excited That […]

  • Dreamscape

    In my dream I was due to travel into space Which made be nervous as I hated the idea of infinity My job also requested that I should travel to the USA Which was more to my taste as I love Central Park  

  • Anna & Anna

    Anna and Anna were in their centre bed together It was Sunday morning and the sun was water bright They were watching the seagulls fly by I have a problem Anna That being The language of birds What troubles you Anna Well as you know we are normally stalked by the seagulls when we are […]

  • A Lo ly Ben h

    lonely bench overlooks     wide beach It has But it is never       as         never pass

  • I Touch Myself

    I touch myself To check that I am still here It is a daily occupation I never miss a day Just in case I begin to fade And do not notice That I am fading Without a proper cause            

  • A Good Book

    A good book is an event In my life A poor book just saddens me         Stendhal