Category: Uncategorized

  • Wild Places

    The mind I love Must have wild places But also places of rest To act as a retreat         Katherine Mansfield

  • I was sitting on a yellow beach

    I was sitting on a yellow beach Watching the tide come in The geography of the narrows Caused the sea to roughen As it crept through the shallows   My position on the yellow beach Would be under water within the hour But this did not concern me as I would retire And watch the […]

  • Cool Japan

    The sun is leaving the day  That is what you used to say as a child  As the sun set on cool autumn evenings   Cool Japan was listening to a recording of her mothers voice On her desk was a glossy book about tygers Cool Japan had written the book and was signing copies […]

  • Gnossienne

    I came into the world very young In an age that was very old And from that day forward Decided to travel backwards Wearing only grey velvet suits       Erik Satie

  • The Saddest Bus Ticket in the World

    At about five past four on a grey November afternoon My unused bus ticket slipped from a pile of books On to a large wooden table that I had owned for years At first I thought this represented the fall of man But God told me that I was wrong As an earth tremor was […]

  • Yakov Dzhugashvili

    Pawns on chessboards are often lost carelessly Or sacrificed to protect a greater prize But what of these quiet pawns Are they as innocent as they seem Or were they doomed from the day of their wretched birth     Discuss

  • Life Lessons

    When you are in the sea You do not grab The water to survive You try to relax Otherwise you might drown This is a basic lesson of life

  • Night

    It is not what you look at That matters It is what you see I can see nothing at present As the night surrounds me       Henry David Thoreau

  • The Shroud and the Nightingale

    The sheet of yellow paper Remained untouched On my walnut desk As I listened to the night songs Of the beautiful bird   I had wanted to express my love for you But was missing your last address It had probably been stolen from me As I slept in your final bed       […]

  • When I Understand Your Soul

    When I understand your soul I will know your eyes I will see you As you see me       Modigliani