Category: Uncategorized

  • Pink ORANGE

    As I lay on the beach with Dawn I noticed that the waves Were Pink ORANGE In colour before They faded Clear

  • Strange Pebbles

    Will and Jane went to the beach to search for strange pebbles The pebbles did not think that they were strange But thought Will and Jane strange Due to the obscurity of their coastal pastime   Naked A few years ago Will and Jane Walked naked across a garage forecourt They shopped naked and even […]

  • A Book of Sailors

    The poem was a dream-vision inspired by his voyage to the Dutch East Indies Peter Paul painted his ship bright orange and spent a great deal of time on deck As he was inspired by the ever changing seascapes and nature of his epic work His great friend Robert Sullivan died during that voyage as […]

  • Now Rancher

    Now Rancher lives alone on his farm With only his dog for company His wife left him many years ago As she considered him dark sullen In a week his Mail Order Bride will arrive He will return her within a month If he is not totally satisfied with her Now Ranger has painted her […]

  • The Baker Street Poems

    Baker Street In this wonderful station you will find many rooms Some hidden some open to view You will find pleasure in some and pain in others All within the sound of the passing trains Baker Street (Explore with Care)   In this wonderful station you will find many rooms Some hidden some open to view […]

  • Advice to Collectors

    In this beautiful country of ours we are lucky to possess many beaches that consist mainly of pebbles Generations have walked along these beaches looking for interesting stones But be aware of the following when you are next on the beach That is that certain pebbles possess almost human emotions and should be treated with […]

  • Thunderspit Bay

    Albine and Edward lived in Thunderspit Bay until recently They collected pebbles from the beach and painted miniature seascapes and other places of interest on the sea worn surfaces They then sold the decorated pebbles on to passing tourists About three months ago Albine and Edward abruptly closed their small business after they found a […]

  • Beach Scenes Deal Kent (June 10th 2017)

    I will share my cinnamon biscuits with you if you share your lemonade It is so hot today Above the beach the capricious kites entertained the passers by Chines Dragons Exotic Birds Captain Pugwash They all bathed in the cross-winds of the day In a nearby café three children Are eating creams puffs They have […]

  • Blue Westbury

    On my last visit You were grey And quite miserable This saddened me I had accepted the loss Of the steelspider But I could not have imagined Your loss of colour

  • Church Lane West Farleigh Kent

    The strawberries in Kent are always ripe at this time of year When we were younger we picked them for fun It was a sort of working holiday Were you paid? Yes but it was only enough to pay for the evening drinks at the pub and catch a film in Maidstone What do you […]