Category: Uncategorized

  • Charleston

    Many years ago I found myself in the city of Charleston in South Carolina I was there on business and had not found much time to see the city But my American colleagues determined to show me a good time Insisted that I dine with them one evening at a swanky hotel I met Bob […]

  • iamhostileyouarehostile

    i am hostile you are hostile we met outside thetatestives paleblue black white red you were standing in front of arogerhilton abstract whenitoldyouthatilikedmondrian you became hostile towards me i returned the hostility sowewalkedonthesands tosettleourhostility towardseachother you slapped me i broke your umbrella bythenweknewwewereinlove

  • October By Numbers

    Autumn has begun to ravage  8 Winter is not far away 7 The winds are white savage 6 There is a sense of decay 7     Ann Ure (1936)          

  • John Keats Superhero

    What are writing? A short story What is it called? John Keats Superhero Fanny looked at me John was poet A magnificent poet That is where you are wrong Have you really read his poetry? Every word And you have never spotted the code? What code? Just check out nightingale   My heart aches, and […]

  • Final Classical Poem of the Day

    The Beautiful Daughters of the Sea My daughter is far more beautiful Than your shabby daughters I do not fear your sea monster As Andromeda will be rescued By the invisible Perseus Who will then marry her sweetly

  • Poem on a Classical Subject

    Andromeda on my Wall I have a painting of Andromeda Hanging from my office wall She is naked and chained to a rock And is awaiting the invisible Perseus In view of this I leave my office door Slightly open when I am not working

  • The Galloping Major

    The Major galloped rapidly across the field of battle On his trusty horse Berry Hall Captain January is at it again what a crazy fellow he is He is no longer a captain He is a Major now What is he doing? He is drawing the shell fire away from our trenches So that we […]

  • The Subject of my Dream

    As I walked along the beach I found a large marquee A barefoot woman of about forty years approached me Would you like an olive? This island is famous for its olives The woman although having the complexion of an islander had the most vivid blue eyes Are you English? I cannot remember my nationality […]

  • Blue

    Thermuthis peeled a small page from the blue adhesive pad that she had purchased at the outward station The girl in the shop had apologised That only yellow adhesive pads were available She asked Thermuthis why she still wrote poetry As nobody read poetry On erotic train journeys Thermuthis wrote these words on the yellow […]

  • Yellow

    Thermuthis peeled a small page from the yellow adhesive pad that she had purchased at the outward station The girl in the shop had apologised That only blue adhesive pads were available She asked Thermuthis why she still wrote poetry As nobody read poetry On erotic train journeys Thermuthis wrote these words on the blue […]