Category: Uncategorized

  • The Last Day of Summer

    Two of our favourite things are the sea and the soft damp sand I love the feeling of the sea washing over my bare feet as I paddle And you love the feeling of your feet sinking slowly into the sand shallows     A&A 26/09/21

  • Richard Hurleston

    Richard travelled to Italy with Joseph Wright of Derby and his wife Hannah in 1773 and he was reported to have been working in Rome as late as 1776 Richard was a pupil of Joseph Wright of Derby but died young after being struck by lightning on Salisbury Plain Many years ago I was struck […]

  • Anna and Anna

    We are due to travel to our coastal cottage next week But I am not looking forward to walking barefoot On the towns harsh pebbled beach        

  • Life is Easy

    An old hippy once said to me Life is easy if you let it be easy As I sat near the freeway hitching My plan was to discover Amerika I had travelled over a thousand miles But I had discovered fuck all I say fuck all but I had discovered the love Of the common […]

  • Cynthia Buzz Cut – A Fucked Up Love Story

    Cynthia Buzz Cut Cynthia Bitch was an invisible girl Who had an obsession with William Tell To force her man out of his ram-loss-rut She went to the barbers for a blonde buzz cut   Authors Notes on William Tell and Cynthia Bitch I was given this poem by a shop assistant in Zurich when […]

  • Cynthia

    Cynthia was a shy girl who used to change behind hedges When the moon was full and bright She had sad dark eyes which dominated her pale face Her hair was raven in colour but when the moon was full It would look as if it was a midnight blue tinged with black This added […]

  • God is Right Handed

    God is right handed I know this As I borrowed his ruler During a geography lesson     Trafalgar Square Recently when visiting London I travelled to Trafalgar Square I touched the empty plinth With my left hand And knew then Of its vacancy

  • Mad World

    On the islands of the Snow Moon Strange things happen Birds fly backwards And earthworms write books Brown dogs develop processing skills Which help the sailors at sea To navigate between the moons Bright girls named Lettuce Sew orange peel gently Into the hems of their skirts With citric red needles As they guess the […]

  • New Spanish poem (unedited)

    The Dunes of Corralejo When the snow falls from the colourless skies I think of you at the beach café On the pathway to the dunes You are naked under your thin dress As you have just returned from a swim We are sharing a pizza and a beer And are listening to a gentle […]

  • Written on a Billboard in Chelmsford (Circa 1985)

    I purchased a Hoover In Vancouver To soothe her frustrations With me