Category: Uncategorized

  • At Peace in the Pilgrims City

    Stuart M is at peace for the first time in many years He is not doing anything special just hanging out With the Lady and the Earl in the Pilgrims City The skies are pale grey and quite beautifully still I cannot imagine why my friend is so happy today  

  • Grey Houses

    grey houses reflect the grey people passing

  • Grey Peace

    quiet houses reflect the quiet people passing  

  • Anna & Anna

    Anna and Anna were lying in Anna’s bed Do you know who Fanny Kaplan was Should I  No she has mostly been forgotten She was the woman who shot Lenin Really I bet that pissed them off It did although the wounds were not fatal they led indirectly to his death What happened to her […]

  • Dream Debut

    The Kransar Twins Are you going to the beach tonight Are you going to the sea Are you bringing cosmic dust with you Just for why and me   Anna Lee Blackman Held my hand On our first date My other hand Was on her cunt   Sweet Simon Sill Held my hand On our […]

  • Anna & Anna

    Anna and Anna were sitting in front of the fire Anna was naked whilst Anna was dressed What is the Anthem of Heaven Anna  I cannot say that I know This is an easy question I still do not know It is Handel’s Messiah Has a stronger piece of music ever been composed Lights in […]

  • Modern Day Escapist

    Wanted – A Modern Day Escapist Duties – Varied Salary – Minimal   The successful candidate must display a knowledge of Jainism and the ever changing nature of reality    

  • Hunstanton School Park Road

    Hunstanton School Park Road is mainly rural in character With the famous school at one end and the Wheat Fields of Michael at the other For many years we lived in the station masters house near the level crossing Both my parents were teachers and my sister  and I received a thorough education At the […]

  • Sex

    An intellectual is a person who has discovered  something more interesting than sex   Phillip – That is most interesting Phillipa  Phillipa – Do you consider yourself an intellectual  Phillip – Yes  Phillipa – Why  Phillip – Because I have found something that is more interesting than sex Phillipa – Pray tell me what that […]

  • Civilisation

    The purpose of a writer is to keep civilisation from destroying itself    Phillip -That is very interesting Phillipa Phillipa – What are you going to do Phillip – I am undecided  Phillipa – Decide now  Phillip – I quit