Category: Uncategorized

  • A Beautiful Swan

    Joe Thank you for the update on Josephine She was neither very bad or very good During our time together in the South But she worried us A swan with a broken wing Cora seems to be very good for her This brings us both a great happiness I loved your comments about the Olympics […]

  • Erotic Love Notes

    Scatter Squires Writes to me He sends Erotic Love Notes Which is a problem As I am blind Julie

  • Zoo Zero Zoo

    I went to the zoo yesterday And saw a number of primates My favourite was named Guy

  • Eye Digress Aoife

    Please pass the water It has been a humid night Our sheets are soiled Passions can be so cruel

  • Erotic Century

    Julie and I were watching trains From the riverside embankment It is an erotic century I said As I slipped my hand Into her pristine panties And touched her flooded bush Scatter Squires

  • Closely Observed Trains

    I have watched the Jiri Menzel film And have read the story by Bohumil Hrabal I love the trains that pass through this my station And date stamping the bare bottom of Virginia Svata

  • Dressmaker

    I always use white Or pale materials When making dresses As I am not keen on black

  • Ordinariness of Days

    Do you realise that If you had not invited Unwanted guests Into your house Then your favourite vase Would have not been broken

  • Folkestone is an Art School

    It is it really is an art school With exhibits dotted around the town From the High Leas to the Harbour Arm A brightly coloured house floats in the harbour And Yoko Ono can be found overlooking the sea Being an architect I question The Whistling Apartments Lonely against the drama of the waves High […]

  • Sins of Our Fathers

    Junefuc was right Anybody could have Written the script There are traitors Amongst us These are our declining years