Category: Uncategorized

  • The Stranger

    In the summer of 1977 I found myself in a small village not far from Maidstone It was whilst I was there that I found a pile of paperbacks On a small table outside of a General Store I soon found a tired copy of The Stranger by Albert Camus   We were in the […]

  • Party in my Panties

    I always party in my panties As to me it is more practical Jenny Lord If you spill your drink On your expensive jeans Then they will retain the stain The same applies if you wear Your favourite party dress So why spoil your lovely clothes Jenny Lord My only advice is to wear clean […]

  • Anna & Anna

    Do you think that Jesus gives a shit about what we do in the bedroom  And the bathroom  And the bathroom  And on the common near the ice cream hut  And yes on the common near the ice cream hut and all the other places where we conduct ourselves badly  Apart from Chislehurst Railway Station  […]

  • In the sea that overlooks my study

    As I float lifeless in the sea I look at my semi distant study And wonder what I might have written If I had not jumped from its high window But I am not unhappy far from it As the sun always follow the moon Neither really vanish in their entirety I have just completed […]

  • In My Study that Overlooks the Sea 

    In my study that overlooks the sea I watch the tides come and go I watch the passages of the moon And the passages of the sun My study is one of the only places Where I can actually feel my life Fading and growing at the same time

  • The Spirit of the Clock

    In my study that overlooks the sea There is a clock Just an ordinary clock But it does not tell the time In fact it does very little As I alone am left to interpret Its mysterious geography

  • Anna & Anna

    Did you have philosophy with Judith  I did  What was it like  Stimulating  Do I stimulate you  Not really  Why  Before you have a flat view of the universe  Did you say universe  Yes  Then that is not philosophy  But astronomy  You are changing before my eyes Anna  Coffee Please  Black  No white  I prefer […]

  • Nocturnal

    I saw you briefly in a Canterbury park You were asking for directions How beautiful you were Slight with raven black hair But I knew that you were trapped As your husband was of an orthodox faith A faith that cared nothing for beauty You would bear many children And lose your looks in the […]

  • The First and Last Station Buffet in England

    This is the last station buffet in England It is also the first station buffet in England It is nearer to Calais than it is to London I admire its windows back and front An average car has a number of windows These windows travel vast distances An average house has many windows But these […]

  • 28 Lucky Shells

    On a very hot beach day I collected 28 lucky shells And placed them on a beautiful blue plate I then added two white vases Full of colourful wild flowers   I should have been an artist Instead of a Gas Station Butterfly