Category: Uncategorized

  • The Kingsdown Path

    Just before this path splits into two One part becoming an unmade road And the other a pedestrian/cycle pathway You will find what was once a care home I do not know what was cared for Spiders/Donkeys/Sweet Wrappers/Olive Oil Really it does not interest me The house is being renovated So that very rich white […]

  • Path to Kingsdown

    On days such as these Kent is indeed The Garden of England   The perfumes of every flower and every herb Linger still in the soft sea breezes And our eyes benign are seduced By the colours of many summers

  • Beach

    Later when I was quite alone I stood up and read a chapter From South and West  Which was written by Joan Didion When I was sixteen years old     From Beach by Stephen Masefield    

  • Golf on the Kent Coast

    My name is Mischa I am currently working as car park attendant at The Open It is a steady job even though it is temporary Occasionally I see one the big names They seem very nice Up to five years ago I was an addict And liked the idea of being dominated This brought me […]

  • Lives of Former Sailors

    Of late large clumps of black sea weed Have been washed up on the beach There is no rational explanation for this   The Genoa was sunk off of Kingsdown in 1945 She hit a lazy mine and sank within the hour There were no fatalities apart from the ships cat   I am a […]

  • Waves (Walmer Beach)

    We spent the afternoon on the beach Which surprisingly was not crowded Given that the bright sun overhead Was not being impeded by passing clouds   After about an hour and a half I decided to walk into the shallows But this recreation proved arduous As I was hit by a series of heavy waves […]

  • Cougars

    Cougars have been reported on this beach I cannot say that I have seen any And really only the bleached pebbles Are qualified to write this short poem

  • All Feminists Have Been Fucked

    All feminists have been fucked Said the older actress to the ingenue It is either that or eternal masturbation Do not waste your time with politics Your femininity will soon fade If you swim against the tide Take my advice and enjoy men There are many good models out there They can be tamed and […]

  • stuartofthegreenheart

    At least once a day I think of my roads of innocence Whether this is a form of nostalgia is hard to say But it is fundamental to what I am   I am so in love that tears of happiness Run down my face as I load my rifle   Every act of rebellion […]

  • Le Diable et moi

    For many years I have had little to do with the devil But out of the blue I was asked to play golf with him The last time I played golf with the devil I lost heavily But he never returned for his wager as I thought he would That was until yesterday at dawn […]