Category: Uncategorized

  • Cats and Cranes

    I have always wondered Why cats have nine lives If life is so meaningless   After thinking about cats And their nine lives I realised that I had discovered God And now live next to a motorway With my nine happy cats

  • Her Breath

    Her breath I think smells of my anus But I cannot confirm this As I have never visited my arse She was once a great beauty But has been hard fucked By most of the men in London And I would imagine their horses too Her teeth that in youth were pearly white Now resemble […]

  • Raw and Beloved

    I am told that I hate As people do not confirm To my ideal But they miss the point As I do not hate Far from it I am merely disappointed By the stupidity of others   DIF (1990)

  • Graffiti at Chalk Farm

    The light at the end of any tunnel Is not an original illumination But a reflection of the light Which has now slipped into history In the time since you entered the tunnel

  • Some Native Lenses

    By the time that I arrived at the film festival Many films had already been shown I apologised for my lateness But this was due to matters Beyond my control As my bus had been removed From its resting site and I had had to walk To make amends I have brought The front passenger […]

  • The Open 2021

    After completing my shopping I decided cushions and all To walk to Sandwich Bay Where the 2021 Open Was being held It was the last practice day Before the main event Sandwich Bay In all its grey and white wildness Seemed quieter than I expected to be I watched nameless golfers As they practiced in […]

  • With Catherine in St James’s Park

    I had only worked at Lloyds for a month or so when I met a girl called Catherine Like me she did not say much but I soon found that we favoured London parks   He lifted her dress and found her shaven  Shocking this boy from Milford Haven   Is that one of your […]

  • Weronika

    I never knew Weronika and only saw her in the family movies Which were shot on impossibly hot days on the northern coast She wrote to me on a few occasions and once included a postcard of Ostend   I was in Ostend last year and spoke to the owner of the library where she […]

  • Love in Enschede

    I first met Anna when she was a struggling writer In the city of Enschede in June 1999 I was then as I am now an established poet And had travelled to Enschede for a number of readings Anna told me that she thought that I looked like Nina Hagen She had not been the […]

  • Sitting on a Jetty reading Tagore in Bright Sunshine

    Most people believe the mind to be a mirror More or less accurately reflecting the world outside them Not realising on the contrary that the mind is itself The principle element of creation   As the title of this poem notes I am sitting on a jetty Reading a book of Tagore’s poetry Not many […]