Category: Uncategorized

  • Josie est en vacances loin

    Paroles sages Joe xxxx J

  • Le temps passe

    Time passes so slowly In the corn fields That face my cottage Why these perfumed words L’été de Julie

  • Sing Yes

    I can sing My voice Is my best feature I am often compared To a nightingale

  • John Smith is Innocent

    Josie You say that you are confused There is no reason to be confused As I knew that what is happening Might easily happen given the right conditions I have chatted to mummy about this As she understands so much about us both Both from a Christian angle and a personal one For a number […]

  • Le soleil et les nuages

    This is an unusual theatre The sun is plunging Wildly through the clouds The yellow grasses Are fading slowly With the afternoon Honest Day

  • Winchelsea

    A frw weeka ago I btoke my leg playing footnall It was the same leg again but in a didderent place I am a heaily drigged person at present Siiting in my cottage Which is adjacent to the Hastings/Aashford/Hastings line The odd train rumbles paast but the area is quite silent Geographically Winchelsea is located […]

  • Winchelsea (first draft)

    A frw weeka ago I btoke my leg playing footnall It was the same leg again but in a didderent place I am a heaily drigged person at present I am siiting in my cottage Which is adjacent to the Hastings/Aashford/Hastings line The odd train rumbles paast but the area is quite silent Geographically Winchelsea […]

  • untitled


  • Climbing Out of the Trashcan

    Who I am to give you advice Just visit my residence And learn About me I do not like heights She cares Even less About me

  • From a Train

    Ham Street Peacefully reading in a platform shelter She made no attempt to join the train Rye Families meeting on a busy platform Summer holidays in a Sussex town Winchelsea Almost a ghost station in a rural idyll Surrounded by ripening cornfields