Category: Uncategorized

  • Red White and Blue

    The white gallery wall was illuminated Red White and Fucking Blue It was an attractive neon exhibit   I took a lift to the sixth floor Where the gender friendly loos were hidden And wrote on the cubicle wall Not as you might think Something rotten   My message was deeper than that   What […]

  • Sea of Memories

    This evening I shared a meal With my wife and daughter Above the sea of memories   This is an unfinished poem    

  • Passing trains are the only noise that disturbs the tranquillity of my rural life

    A main line passes near my Provencal house I often sit covered only in a bright kimono And watch these beautiful trains pass by For a few moments the lineside flowers Engage in a frenzied but colourful dance And then they settle and let the high sun calm The great madness that inhabits their blue […]

  • Room in Florence

    I woke up naked this morning And walked around a room With a decorated ceiling And of many books   On certain occasions one finds That life stops to float It is hard to explain This feeling of tranquillity  

  • Romantic Crows

    Green Sea Grey Day White Water I am watching the romantic crows Explore the vacancy of the sands       Walmer Beach 25/06/21

  • God Loves Me in a Trash Can

    I live in a trash can Full of shit But I know That God Loves Me And Rachel Mix As we both have Dreams of Splendour We eat drink shit and piss Wank fuck and cry In our lovely home I did have a pretty name But I have now totally forgotten it     […]

  • Katie Raw

    Many years ago in the city of St Francis I used to arrange what could be easily termed poetry happenings (lower case mine) these consisted of events such as triangular poetry circular poetry poetry without clothes poetry with clothes poetry orange poetry red  poetry from the perspective of animals and a thousand more and a […]

  • Tango

    The larger fox said to the smaller hedgehog Lets Dance The smaller hedgehog although flattered refused the offer As it thought it unlucky to dance on grey granite     Orange  At about a quarter past two this afternoon I fell asleep on the orange beach Adopting the foetal position Although dreaming I was fully […]

  • Colour on Silk

    colouring exquisite silks blue and red is like caressing the summer flowers in his eternal garden  

  • Mount Hiei

    the blue mountain is sleeping hours pass quietly without confusion all is quiet