Category: Uncategorized

  • June 20th 2020

    Love Letter Invade me Not for profit But for love I am aware Of my beauty But I have much more That demands attention   Jeoffry What is that That I see Between my legs It is neither smooth Nor appreciative And is quite rapacious in its behaviour It is also a good friend Who […]

  • Margate

    I want you I want to caress you I want to own you I want to fuck you But I cannot do any of these things As your knickers are filthy And you are diseased   Margate Choose Love She Said And Leave Me The Next Train Is About To Go I Will Not Be […]

  • The Hour

    Do not get lost in philosophy As the road maps are poor   I an touching your violet breasts As we approach the town   We have not arrived at our destination As we never started our journey   I am trying to understand the sea The sea is doing its best to understand me […]

  • Summer Storm

    I am sitting in my small room in the Palace of the Winds Watching a summer storm disturb the bright night sky The humidity is such as to form narrow beads of sweat That start on my neck and trickle down my back Usually you would sit opposite me stripped to the waist But you […]

  • Carolyn Jones

    I have a small plant With red flowers On my windowsill I call it Carolyn Jones

  • Rose Love

    We are standing in front of a painting by Tracey Emin You have taken an instant dislike to this work The painting is both complicated and simple At the same time Which is why I like it My Body Slipped Tracey show us your Cunt  The second line is repeated a number of times There […]

  • Glass Eye

    I lost an eye in a horse riding accident Which was very careless of me I now have a glass eye Which I love very much As we share wonderful times When we visit the grave of my lost eye My glass eye weeps with a genuine grief This touches me greatly And I feel […]

  • Handmade Acapulco

    I own a Blue painting Rather it is a Midnight Blue My Cunt is Wet With Fear Is a work by Tracy Emin Exorcism of the Last Painting I Ever Made Is another of her works I do not own either of these If fact I do not own anything of hers As I am […]

  • Best Read Naked

    I am naked you are naked Read this naked I am not interested In your naked body But your naked soul I wish to see your soul As naked as my garden Summer colours on display I have nothing more to add This poem is now complete  

  • Love Letter Sixty Nine

    I woke up one morning and decided to start a war A beach was chosen and it was up to me To give the signal to start the war But I hesitated and the soldiers lost interest And then fucked off to fight in another war   They laid me out on a crap table  […]