Category: Uncategorized

  • Tender is Maximum

    I usually lose myself through dance It blinds the world That tries to hurt me But my dances are not familiar But those of everyday movement To Run To Walk To Stand Still To Turn my Head To Lift my Arm   These are my invisible weapons

  • It is a Form of Democracy I Suppose 

    I have written many poems Some of which might be considered a mess But I never delete these poems And give them the same house room as my finest poems It is a form of democracy I suppose

  • The Purple Plain

    Stand for a while on the purple plain And your sad thoughts will vanish Never to return Choose Life Again and Again and Again  

  • Spitfire

    Swooping out of the sun I should say like a bird of prey But I dislike this sentiment With the familiar sound Of your ancient engines Entertaining the beach below How lovely you are Is this a good line As I am treating you Like a beautiful woman Can mechanical things be beautiful  This is […]

  • In Bed with Sappho

    I am in my bed Sappho is next to me The young sun Is blazing Through our sea window There is a lot of poetry In the world today  

  • Time Travel

    You may forget but let me tell you this  Someone in some future time Will think of us   Who said that  Sappho  The poet  Yes  I do not want to be rude but what has this to do with our mission and time travel  Everything and nothing  First of all the quote is the […]

  • A Spiritual Walk

    As I walked barefoot across Marke Wood I was stopped for a short while The beauty of the day had overwhelmed me Pantheism identifies God with the universe And today was a manifestation of this doctrine A dog then barked in the distance and broke my thoughts I continued my journey across the dew damp […]

  • Caron in Bath

    You were wearing a pure white shirt And vivid red summer slacks The memorable buildings of my city Were half bathed in a golden light How I adore the colours of your summer     May 31st 2021

  • End of Day

    I left the beach when the afternoon was less than four hours old The sea breeze has cooled although the mature sun was still high bright and warm As I walked towards towards the small row of coastal shops that faced the sea I felt that the day had run its course and that I […]

  • Sacred USA

    Ana    I have a green bicycle and I ride it through the summer fields so that I may become invisible  Tim    That is all very well but I have never met Clement  Ana    Clement  Tim    Your bicycle  Ana     My bicycle is not called Clement Tim      What is the […]