Category: Uncategorized

  • Inertia

    I found myself on the Plage des Femmes Which as I expected was full of women It was a beautiful feeling to be a woman On this sandy beach in the Gospel de Ville   But then in the distance I saw a train Heading toward the Station of the Beaches The train was blue […]

  • The Cute House

    Alice and Murray Live in the Cute House She/Her He/Him Life is not that straightforward As Alice and Murray never holiday together But it works very well for them As they miss each other dreadfully When they are away from the Cute House    

  • The Owl and the Nightingale

    My friend and I were sitting in a café in Lagos next to a middle aged couple from the Ukraine At first we politely ignored each other and then the man asked if we would take a photograph of them He spoke good English as he had lived in the USA for a while before […]

  • A Fucked Up Love Poem

    Love Story (Knife)  My sister  My beautiful sister Once told me a story About a woman Who lived in a rough neighbourhood And kept a knife under her pillow For protection As time passed she became attracted To the knife And slowly they fell in love But they kept their relationship secret As such unions […]

  • The Dover Poems

    Dover Companion  In my dream I was carrying you on my back around the streets of Dover With only your golden hair exposed As I walked I was describing what I saw But you were asleep and did not answer me On a couple of occasions I stumbled as the pavements were uneven I felt […]

  • Two Poems Written in Early March

    Silver Kettle  I can see the reflections of your years Fading as I count them one by one There is now a secrecy within you Which you will not share   Hungarian Journey In my dream I was travelling to a football match in Hungary I was chatting to some of the rival supporters Who […]

  • The Yellow Vest

    Do you remember that day on the beach when you put on your yellow vest as the sun was so fierce I can remember the day clearly as it was when you took our first born to the sea so that he could paddle with you On your canary yellow vest Was written RELAX   […]

  • Studio Idyll 1918

    From my vantage I can see the centre of the world And will listen to your haunting strings     After the painting by Anders Zorn 

  • Dawn in Murcia

    The moon has shrunk and is fast disappearing into the white light of the dawn The side of a warehouse faces our room It has been lazily whitewashed  But is always the first building illuminated by the rising sun Dios vive en Murcia En la terraza verde In the half light I can see you sipping […]

  • Lavande douce

    Ma belle femme m’a donné un paquet de mouchoirs parfumés Lavande douce Je n’ouvrirai jamais son cadeau Comme je suis jaloux du contenu parfumé Et ne les partagerons avec personne Je garde ces mouchoirs sur un plateau ancien à côté de mon lit Mes rêves sont pleins de leur beauté Je me sens bénie d’avoir […]