Category: Uncategorized

  • I am Divine

    Even though I hardly disturb the shadows You know of me through the magic of my words     I am Divine

  • My Sad Captains

    My drapes are still closed although the party ended many days ago The clothes that I wear reek of piss and sweat after my nights of excess My sad captains have returned to their sharp senses And have left me here in this room as I have abandoned mine I live from one fuck dream […]

  • Baise la Republique

    I had felt sick that morning and found myself in an unpleasant loo in a shopping mall where I shit freely and without reason As I looked at the door I saw evidence of recent homosexual activity which sickened me even more After an age I reached forward to the paper dispenser and found it to […]

  • Truth Coming Out of Her Well

    The philosopher Democritus once said   Of truth we know nothing   For truth is in a well   But that is about to change as I saw truth   Emerge naked from her well   With a sharp whip in her hand   Liars and actors take heed of my timely warning   For […]

  • King Queen Prince

    Last month the Royal Family visited my small town As I was unimportant I did not meet them And spent the day in my perfumed bath When the splendour had subsided I visited the beach How fragrant I was I picked up a pebble And awoke it from its slumbers It began to speak to […]

  • Anne and Daphne (Poppy Cloth)

    In the multi-coloured craze room Anne and Daphne merged without protest Into the rapid patterns of the poppy cloth         After the painting Sarah Rose Troughton 

  • Red Poppies Black Fence

    I can see your withered petals The season has not been kind to you But you still retain a faded splendour Which illuminates your imaginary cell

  • In the Shadow of my Church

    I am reading Moby Dick in the shadow of my church Shower clouds threaten but pass over me without issue The wind is chilly for early May Great Days are promised

  • The Howling City

    All was silent in my room when I returned I had been shoplifting again Which is an art And I am Michelangelo I only steal high grade goods A handbag here a dress there Underwear is so easy to steal As long as you have a generous coat I look from my window at the […]

  • Felix

    I am walking with you along the Champs-Elysees We are both thinking of the long days and nights That we have spent together In our guest house in Place Vendome A friend from the future has told me That Paris might burn in years to come But all that burns at present Are the passions […]