Category: Uncategorized

  • L.E.L.

    Only the warmest of summer days are committed to memory   Others fade into mystery and are seldom recalled   You played the part of an ingénue rather well   But this is said to have covered your darker secrets   Byron once noted in a memorable jest that   The Cant is much stronger […]

  • Birth

    I have been born many times My initial birth was that of a ladybird But I was eaten by a predator Ladybirds do not have predators   Well this ladybird found a predator   Whether recorded or not   My mother was so upset that she gave birth to me again This time I was […]

  • Sigismunda Mourning over the Heart of Guiscardo

    The golden goblet that I hold contains not a fine wine But the beating heart of my dearest husband We had wed secretly away from the eyes of my father Yet he discovered my deceit and ordered a slaughter I have committed to end my life without shedding a tear But my cheeks lie and […]

  • Glory

    What glory is there in defeat It is not a defeat that can be seen But a defeat nonetheless You will not rise again This is a dream Have no thoughts of glory As you have ceased to exist

  • Grim Margaret

    I found a copy of my only novel in a charity shop recently It was written about eighteen years ago and has not aged well I am currently reading my book as I have forgotten the ending Which is inconvenient as I am often asked why I ended it in such a manner My suspicion […]

  • The Colour of my Shirt

    For over twenty-four hours I thought I was wearing a red shirt   I was wearing this shirt As I passed the multi-coloured sponges   But when I awoke I found that I had been wearing a green shirt   Which comforted me As I am totally colour-blind     From Poems of Delirium (2021)

  • Anne Gregory

    You introduced me to the power of crystals During my formative years and now I stare at these beautiful stones And feel your immediate presence Although I know that as a time traveller You are far away yet so strangely near

  • The Dressing Gown

    I have always wondered what is beneath your dressing gown As you sit opposite me enjoying breakfast You smile but never betray your secrets This morning as you leaned over me your gown parted And I saw a quick glimpse of your breast An ordinary breast white with a darker areola and nipple I averted […]

  • Pocahontas

    You have been introduced as a civilised savage to promote trade A cynical move perhaps but I suppose it prevents conflict I am waiting for your ship to pass between the white cliffs As you travel back to your homeland with your infant son But have been told that you have since died And are […]

  • Pyrates

    My bedroom window overlooks the sea For the past three weeks I have been carving a pyrate ship Out of a piece of driftwood It now sits in a position of honour on my sill My two sisters have created likenesses Of both Anne Bonney and Mary Read Out of wooden clothes pegs That they […]