Category: Uncategorized

  • The Statue

    The statue from antiquity stood not far from the main road in a builder’s yard She was holding a drape in an effort to protect her modesty Just run across the yard as nobody is around   If you are busting for a piss what does it matter   Here let me take the drape […]

  • Beautiful Flowers (Evening Sun)

    What transient beauty you possess In a week you will have faded But your colours will live long in my memory Purple Yellow and Green           11th May 2019

  • Christ can be found in the Studio

    I was walking around the city wearing a special pair of shades What made these glasses a little peculiar was the near transparent frame Which contrasted greatly with the darker lens My friends teased me as the day was quite dull I told them that my eyes were weak As I had spent a great […]

  • The Male Gaze

    In a dream when staying in EASTBOURNE I found that I was at a railway STATION A steam train arrived on an irregular PLATFORM I fumbled for a camera but unfortunately did not have ONE

  • Laura Ashley Kills

    We were filming the advertisement For a clothing chain So that all girls could look like me I am running through a lavender field The most handsome boy in the world Is waiting for me on James Dean’s motorbike A week ago we were on a Greek Island And a swing was built under the […]

  • Sally in the Woods

    When I was a teenager I was cycling home from Bath through an area which was known locally as Sally in the Woods I had made this journey many times before on my bicycle without incident but on this occasion I suffered a puncture deep in the woods on a rather chilly but bright September […]

  • Swift & Associates

    n a dream I found myself in London in an area undetermined by name I had met a Greek family who spoke no English lost in a bus station near Victoria As my Greek was poor and they did not have a second language I lodged them in a hotel and sought out one of […]

  • Polly Pocket

    Polly Pocket went in a rocket But fell down And injured her eye socket     Shine (aged four)

  • Peter and Paul

    Peter Peter got wet on the beach today But he did not accept his fate And sat around in his damp clothes He now has a chill and has since retired To his warm bed to contemplate His future as an outdoor artist   Paul I am also an artist in the same street But […]

  • The Fragrance of Railway Bridges

    As I walked towards a railway bridge In a town that I did not know I sensed the subtle perfumes Of her fragrant flowers