Category: Uncategorized

  • Better than Haiku

    During my summer break I attended a school in Cape Cod To learn the secrets of Haiku  

  • The Light from the Equator

    The light from the equator Is seeping into the winter sky The air is still and quite frigid There is no warmth to be found Except when I hold you tightly On these bleak and abandoned rocks  

  • Winter Beach Lagos

    The sea has retained much of its warmth Summer memories have not yet faded The year is new and promises so much But this brittle beach remains the same

  • I saw Jesus near the sea today

    I saw Jesus near the sea today The actual location is immaterial And I will not reveal it He was dressed in a heavy coat As the weather was immoral The clouds were indifferent To his presence and drifted aimlessly Often obscuring the late December sun I thought that he looked grey But he assured […]

  • Gento Gento

    I was watching a village football match When my son was booked for a foul I protested to the referee saying that a child Should not be punished for such a petty misdemeanor The referee said that rules were rules And that he was right to book my son I asked him to interpret the […]

  • And the year will end in beauty 

    The beach is quite deserted We are the last couple As we often are Extremes do not worry us Be it heat or chill In an hour the light will fade And the year will end in beauty  

  • I Have Two Cats

    I have two cats They are called Lola and Lolita We often watch television together The L Word is our favourite show I am a left handed lesbian named Laura But my girlfriends call me Lynne  

  • Bam Glam Maam

    The summer has ended Our sun is in another hemisphere There is a sadness in your voice Koe Alice But you are still wearing your summer dress You have a bruise on your backside I saw it when you showered This was caused when you fell on the summer rocks Such a foolish accident Koe […]

  • December

    The year is colourless Nothing moves Winter is blind There is a silent sadness The last days are dead

  • Décembre

    L’année est sans couleur Rien ne bouge L’hiver est aveugle Il y a une tristesse silencieuse Les derniers jours sont mort