Category: Uncategorized

  • Kent Marie

    Of all the blossoms found She chose the red-pink flowers Mainly for the luxury of their colour But also because her late mother Has worn the delicate flowers When working in the early fields

  • Dover Light

    For over a hundred years a solitary candle has burned In the uppermost window of a cottage That overlooks the sea   I am now in charge of this light Which is lit just before dusk And extinguished just after dawn   I have received letters from many sailors Telling me about the great comfort […]

  • An Inward Gaze

    Your tread is silent I said to Miriam as we walked along the winter beach It is almost as if you are sea ghost emerging from the fragile mists  Although she was listening to me Miriam kept her head bowed The day was beautiful as late December days often are With a sun so cold […]

  • Boxing Day 2020

    On Boxing Day 2020 I walked 2.5km along the coastal path And sat with my wife daughter and two granddaughters In the rough shelter of a white but scruffy beach hut The weather was about 11 degrees with a brisk westerly wind Storm Bella was expected and this chilled the troubled air The advice was […]

  • Le bonheur de Charlotte Zero

    J’ai toujours suivi le bonheur de Charlotte Zero C’est un sujet enrichissant à étudier Contrairement à sa sœur, elle vit dans le sud du pays Où le soleil est chaud et il peut atteindre trente degrés en Octobre

  • The Happiness of Charlotte Zero

    I have always followed the happiness of Charlotte Zero It is a rewarding subject to study Unlike her sister she lives in the southern part of the country Where the sun is warm and it can reach thirty degrees in October

  • Cold Heaven

    On Christmas Morning we walked by the sea The day was very bright but rather cold There were a number angels on the beach But others had remained in Cold Heaven    

  • Jeanne Zero

    I left Jeanne Zero Sleeping in our bed I was rather jealous of her As it is quite difficult To sleep on trains

  • Angels and *********

    When we visited the room of Jeanne Zero We found photographs Of **** ***** and ****** Hanging on her wall She had taken drugs And was hardly awake Two of the three were ********* She whispered into my ear But I am an angel    

  • Books of Violets

    A small crate was found drifting in the sea And when opened was found to contain Books of Violets once considered lost This made the sun celebrate with a sunset so vivid That those who were lucky enough to witness it Never let the display slip from their memories