Category: Uncategorized

  • Café Number Three

    A green curtain hides the interior of the café after 22:00 hours This upsets some people And they have added graffiti to the green curtain Which cannot be seen From the street This does not bother me As I have no regard for objects I cannot see

  • Signal

    We had emerged from the blue underground station and were walking slowly towards the city bridge But the views from the bridge were not what we had expected them to be For there were extensive views over a distant sea Azure blue green glow The intense light of the morning sun The gallery was on […]

  • Café Seven Zero Seven

    I walked past our café this afternoon during a summer storm The street furniture was being saturated by the heavy rain On Sunday we had sat in front of this café sharing a tepid coffee The sun was warm and you were wearing my red and white dress I had looked at the café’s brightly […]

  • Paradise Paradise

    I have always wanted to be an artist But I am better with my pen Poetry can result in an acid existence I am not there yet But I can see the road clearly   Il y a une douceur et une gentillesse dans le livre de poche There is a gentleness to be found […]

  • When the Gods Smile Down

    The small moments were all that really mattered my friend They have always been of the most importance to me A walk in the blue snow under a freezing moon The feel of the ice wind dusting my face These very eyes were once blinded by the white summer sun But now they contain only […]

  • A History of Lincolnshire in Blue Ink

    I am not a coward I am a student of science  I even question the existence of God  There is a rational explanation to all things  The devils of my mind are troubling me  I had not kept a diary for many years but I found myself recording my thoughts in a small ledger book […]

  • New Poems One & Two

    Sunny June Garden Pink and Green  At this time of year the sun sits high in the bright sky Which gives a radiance to even the dullest of colours bleached From my window I can see my massive green garden bushes And the populous pink flowers beneath There is a short concrete path that leads […]

  • Mr & Mrs Gladstone

    The likenesses of Mr & Mrs Gladstone had hung on the wall of my grandfather’s farm house for as long as I could remember They were actually plates with photographic images of the great man and his wife and dated from the late years of the nineteenth century Although they had aged well there was […]

  • Dog Dust

    When I say dog dust what do I mean What does it mean to you What picture does it present Do you think of a dog defecating Evacuating its bowels Or do you think of a dead dog That has recently been cremated And is now dust A dog might be expecting his master to […]

  • Train Through France

    In a few short weeks I will be travelling through France On a High Speed Train I shall be taking my Tractatus Logico Philosophicus with me It will rest on the small table in front of my seat as I watch my train race through the French countryside I say that I will watch the train […]