Category: Uncategorized

  • At Sea

    I am loved by those who love me And despised by those who despise me Balance is everything If this ship is not balanced Then it will sink Balance is everywhere The Sea The Sky The Clouds Everything is balanced But we were not balanced And that is the reason That I am resting here […]

  • Update Me

    Nobody ever keeps me up to date I am totally unaware of the world around me I am not sure if that is a blessing in disguise As nobody has updated me

  • A Bowl of Strawberries

    There is a bowl of strawberries On the table in front of me   Just plain strawberries No cream No sugar No spoon   I admire these strawberries And their considerable strength For they have rescued me From the darkness of the abyss

  • Shitty Poems on Fire

    Fat Woman Collective Lets Riot Not Diet I am giving up cops for lent So should you   Not Locked Yesterday I walked into my friends bathroom And found my hippie cousin naked in the bath She did not find my presence upsetting On the contrary she began discussing our walk I told her that […]

  • Land of Honey

    Are you selling an empty nostalgia to me An England that never existed at all A land of milk and honey Untouched by the corruption of others A land at peace within itself Of country lanes and green green hills And churches centuries old Are you selling me this lie If you are then I […]

  • Fuck You 2020

    I was always told That all years are memorable In their different ways Some are kind Some are sad Some are joyous Some are bad So why in this land of plenty Should I shout Fuck You 2020        

  • I am Dreaming of a French Summer

    I am dreaming of a French Summer But not in the south of the country I am dreaming of a French Summer On a northern cliff high above the sea It is raining hard tonight The sky is angry and dark I cannot see France from my bedroom This makes me sad as I know […]

  • The Whetstone of Witte

    Elena Elena and myself Have adopted a cat Whose name is The Whetstone of Witte Cats have no conception of mortality Which worries us as The Whetstone of Witte Often sleeps on the railway tracks Behind our apartment This is a dangerous place to rest As trains from the west are often diverted  

  • 2 x Circle + 1 Rectangle = 28

    For the last six years I have lived in Paris With two gay girls Both are Spanish Their names are Elena and Elena Our cohabitation has worked successfully Even though I am not queer They look after my every need From the outside this seems an odd arrangement But truthfully we do not give a […]

  • A Dream Within a Dream Within a Dream

    Many years ago I found myself on a railway station In a small West Country town It was as I was making my exit that I spotted an elderly nun Standing by the station footbridge with a large suitcase Excuse me Sister may I be of assistance  The nun was very small and was beginning […]