Category: Uncategorized

  • The End of the Affair

    Julie was sitting alone on the final train She was dishevelled and her face was wet With the tear stains of a long evening Her lover had returned to his wife It was a fling and nothing else Everything is born to die he said As he left their hotel room for good Out of […]

  • And Splash

    There is a naked girl swimming in my glass of wine She is rescuing part of the cork This is one of poorest wine bars in the centre of Paris Although it is by far the most magical     After the watercolour by Pauline Coffre

  • Nude in an Ashtray

    On a wet afternoon in Paris I found myself in the Blue Blue White On the long street of the souls I sat at the table nearest to the window And shared a coffee with my younger self The tablecloths were new and crisp to the touch Mine was red with silver blue flowers It […]

  • Gretal 47

    The streets are wet and shine in the moonlight I have extinguished each of the street lamps As I am in love with the moon She means everything to me I cannot think of a love purer than ours Tomorrow is my forty-seventh birthday I am holding a party and have invited all my friends […]

  • Between the Sheets

    Three crows Two magpies A seagull And twenty-eight sparrows Are queuing for food The bird table is quite vacant As I am still in bed Winter has arrived And I am considering hibernation

  • Crow

    There is a crow by the pond It is enjoying breakfast I can hear him clearly Under the November skies

  • je t’aime mon flic

    vous me gardez en sécurité pendant la nuit contre les forces des ténèbres Je ne suis qu’une femme faible Tu protèges mon monde je t’aime mon flic     agnes 2020        

  • Coeur de Pirate

    I am on the outskirts of Wolverhampton The sky is grey as are the people and the town If I had a pistol I would shoot myself in the head I am a travelling rep for an insulation company (do not laugh) It is a thankless job and my life is on the road I […]

  • The Intimate Desires of the Few

    I am reading a book with a blue cover It is called The Intimate Desires of the Few I do not have a clue of what it is about But I like the feel of its rough white pages   I was born in Doncaster Should this be of interest to you I am six […]

  • Maybe Humour Will Save Us

    I have a feather stuck between my buttocks I do not know why it is there I do not know why I am naked I do not know why my complexion is fair         After a watercolour by Pauline Coffre