Category: Uncategorized

  • Octavia

    I am sitting in the vestibule of a long distance train having travelled far My luggage is opposite me and is fading as the miles pass me by Very soon I will be as naked as the vapour trails in the deep blue sky   Rescue me Octavia

  • In Central France (Fragments)

    I am on a high speed train which is travelling through the French countryside The train is heading north away from the hot sun of the south   Hay bales have been abandoned in the many fields Their numbers are infinite but they will be collected soon   Soon night will obscure my views and […]

  • Flea Market (Arles)

    It all starts with a violet ice cream Served in a small tub With a yellow plastic spoon   The market begins so suddenly that it almost takes you by surprise It is next to a busy road Which is not the place to be on a hot day But you want to be there […]

  • Matin

    Passion is important But coffee is more important       Provencal Saying 

  • La nuit est chaude

    We are both naked My wife is stretched out on her bed She is not covered The night is celebrating her nudity   The noise of the weak fan fills the quiet room There is no natural air I am thinking about the fires of hell as I sit here on the cool stone floor […]

  • In the Heat of the Day (Lyon)

    Our train has stopped just outside of Lyon Railway Station No reason has been suggested But I suspect it to be due to the extreme heat That has caused speed restrictions on the line   My wife is sitting opposite me Reading a free magazine She glances up occasionally To watch the other trains pass […]

  • Honey Blind Bitch

    I have an infection and this has hindered the vision in my right eye My GP told me that it was a case of Honey Blind Bitch Which can be quite painful but is ultimately harmless as it never lasts more than a day Bathe the area with cold water and avoid perfumed soaps was […]

  • 05:30 am Summer

    shower with me rescue me from this heat it is too hot to love unless you shower together   soap me and cleanse my skin with your gentle hands hold me and kiss me then towel me into the day     Avignon July 3rd 2019 05:30 am 

  • La Jardin de la Fontaine (Nimes)

    The gardens were almost deserted on the day of our visit Which surprised us both As the day was raw Yet the gardens were cooler   Fountains and canals were everywhere And were full of fish Of many colours There was a magic in the air   The climb to the summit of the gardens […]

  • Avenue Feucheres (Nimes)

    As avenues go this must be the best avenue in the world It faces the fine railway station and leads to the Esplanade Charles de Gaulle Its simple geography is flanked by two thin streams of falling water These were designed to ventilate the avenue on scalding summer days And be of place of peace […]