Category: Uncategorized

  • The Blind Passion of Giants

    The Virgin is always staring at me Each time I visit a church she stares I ask to see her breasts and she instantly forgives me But does not avert her stare   Jesus follows me as I walk around the city He does not take his eyes off of me I wonder if God […]

  • Eclipse of the Moon

    The summer sky had finally drawn its veil over the heat of the day And in the darkness of a wheat field I was awaiting the moon For I while I chatted to the nocturnal creatures But they soon grew bored of me and continued their night The moon made her appearance as the eleventh […]

  • Two Bridges

    On the outskirts of Hungerford in West Berkshire there are two pill boxes which unusually are to be found side by side They are adjacent to the railway line that runs between London and the West Country and both overlook the Kennet and Avon Canal Today they are crumbling a little but are an integral […]

  • A Railway Station

    You are now a private residence your rails withdrawn Trains no longer wait at your platforms But it was not always like this For once you were a gentle village station Situated on quiet branch line now closed Before you faded into the memories of many     Rushbury railway station in Shropshire was opened […]

  • Johnny Alone

    It is quite fitting that John lives On the station that he helped to save But I cannot visit him at present Due to the tight restrictions in place   Quite why is a complete mystery to me As even the simplest soul must realise That statues of gentle poets Are obviously immune to disease […]

  • Vanishing Point

    Many years ago I took my wife To see a movie called Vanishing Point She particularly liked the desert scenes And purchased a motorbike next day Since then she has ridden her bike each day So that she could feel fully free And at one with herself and the road Which is a little unfortunate […]

  • A Train Through France

    When travelling on trains in France I often think of the sheep in the fields And of my mother country now so far away I think of purple apricot trees Heavy in the heat of a Provencal summer I think of my wife’s wet cunt Hidden under her striped shorts Perhaps I will photograph her […]

  • The Astronaut

    I was the astronaut the world forgot about Mission Control lost contact with me As I travelled in the shadows on the dark side of the moon They assumed that I had crashed and although a rescue craft was sent It ran out of fuel and had to return to Earth So that was that […]

  • La Luna

    Exactly fifty years ago I lay in my bed Watching the moon landing on television   Exactly ten years ago I lay in a field in Cornwall Watching the moon in all its moods   At present I am listening to music on my headphones But I am thinking about the moon

  • Texas Poem

    Whilst I was waiting at Avignon TGV I heard Erik Satie’s Gymnopedies being played on a piano The pianist who was missing some of the more difficult notes was waiting for a train with her cousin An American woman asked about the pianist and was told that her name was Texas Poem and that she […]