Category: Uncategorized

  • Littlecote (August)

    You are now showing the early signs of decay Even though August is still quite young The luminous colours of the previous months Are now are now dull and brittle to the touch   I will try to visit these gardens again Before the skies darken and the air chills And during the long nights […]

  • Reach for the Sky

    Reach for the sky Mr Fry I often sigh As I know it is too high     Graffiti found in Margate

  • Berlin Wall/Jelly Beans

    Berlin Wall  There is a Jewish woman who works for me Who has noted that she will shortly Be relocating to an apartment next to the Berlin Wall This woman is unmarried and lives with her budgie I do not want to lose this woman as she is very efficient And is much liked by […]

  • The St Tropez Dog

    Last week I was on a tram in Bratislava when a woman approached me and informed me that these trams have been electrically powered since the opening of the system in 1895 Her daughter then asked me whether I kept of photograph of a dog in my study I told her that I did have […]

  • The Passion of Christ

    I had been walking the streets of Paris for over an hour in search of my friends It was the time of festivals and the city was alive with theatre I was near La Defence when I first saw the Passion of Christ It was performed by an actor in a bloodied loincloth and two […]

  • Low Cattle

    The low cattle and hidden sheep Gazed at the featureless farms Without activity Night crows considered The soft sculptures That populated the bare fields And chatted energetically with each other

  • Black Hills Late Summer Journey

    As the train sped through the Wiltshire fields I watched the hills as they slowly darkened Their green hues faded quietly As the evening light evaporated The day was now quite benign No battles were being fought

  • Dinner with Rebecca

    I hate that new sculpture  What sculpture The one that is supposed to celebrate Mary Wollstonecraft Have you seen it No I have as I travelled to Newington Green yesterday And I was totally shocked Why Because she had a cauliflower between her legs A cauliflower Yes Why were you so offended by a cauliflower […]

  • Poetry of the Desert

    I have lived in the desert for nearly ten years after after living in a city all my life The reason that I took this decision is still unclear to me as sometimes I miss people There is a hippy commune about fifty miles away and a few times a year some of them check […]

  • Green Venice

    I had awoken early because of the heat and sat on the balcony looking at the sky Dawn was not far away and was beginning to illuminate my garden A gentle breeze was creating calm ripples in the swimming pool And the children’s pirate flag was fluttering above their summer house What are you thinking […]