Category: Uncategorized

  • Juke Box on a Distant Planet

    Whilst waiting for a train at a lonely station I noticed that the thin winter sun Had created quite distinctive shadows Under the freezing platform canopy I knew that this theatre would not last long As these were the short shallow days On a distant planet a neon juke box Was playing slow songs in […]

  • The Ride

    I always feel better when I return from my ride To my home on the northern shore And as the seasons mellow I begin to cultivate my sea facing gardens

  • The Silver Pool

    To alleviate the pain I sometimes ride my wild horse towards the Silver Pool Since my childhood years I have cast stones into this smooth memory I am often troubled though as I can no longer see the beauty of the sheltering sky But when I look upwards from the turmoil of the broken waters […]

  • Hillary 1953

    Actor    Act Act We all act Our stage is our theatre But what do we do When the lights are extinguished

  • The Shortest Day

    The shortest day Is in fact the longest day As are now taught to ignore The Perfumed Sciences     21/12/19 05:50am

  • Seal

    You only surfaced for a matter of seconds Initially I thought you were a careless dog And then you vanished under the thick waves That were soon to break on the winter shore Not many fish frequent the shallows at this time of year Yet you hunt them without passion In search of your next […]

  • Fog Moon Over Deal

    I watch your progress  During my sleepless hours And admire the false glamour Of your nocturnal journey

  • Celebrity in Verse

    I am yet to become a celebrity In my cottage by the sea When you read this nonsense Just think of me Adrift and lost in my pomposity

  • The Cottages by the Railway

    Quite often I take walks without money or means of identification I visit the village of Avon Cliff which is about ten miles distant from my home It is a strange village in many ways as there is a circle of cottages built next to the railway track Quite why these cottages were built so […]

  • The Erotic Poems of Marina de Lys

    Alice    Whatever you do on your business trips Is of little concern to me For I often betray you in my dreams During our empty hours apart