Category: Uncategorized

  • The Erotic Poems of Marina de Lys

    Marina I have to confess that I have already betrayed you But then you know that I have a weakness for Eurasian girls I am now alone again within in this wretched city And am trying to find you amongst my neon lies

  • The Erotic Poems of Marina de Lys

    Marina    I am many miles from you my love We do not even share the same hours But I can still feel the tenderness of your skin And taste the perfume of your cunt

  • The Erotic Poems of Marina de Lys

    Alice    I left you in our central bed With only a sheet to cover your modesty Please do not let it slip away And be aware of the wandering hands of Marina de Lys

  • There is a Bush Baby on my Ceiling

    There is a Bush Baby on my ceiling It is currently writing Hanoi Divers Which will be accredited to me These creatures are not supposed to write poetry to any standard Which is sad but a well known fact

  • Soft Time

    My watch is melting in my pocket Time has never been so fluid Time present and time past    Are both present in time future    And time future contained in time past    If all time is eternally present    All time is unredeemable    I wish I had written these lines But they […]

  • An Execution

    I was ordered to attend an execution By my commanding officer The victim was an attractive Jewess Who had murdered an informer I was immediately attracted to her dark beauty And wished that she could live forever But this was not to be as a few minutes later Three bullets ripped into her perfect heart […]

  • Middle Alley

    I was executed for my war crimes In the middle alley of six Which disappointed me As I disliked perfect numbers

  • Alice Said Fuck

    I was waiting for my train to draw into my home station When I noticed a young girl approaching the rest room Which was out of order Oh fuck  Oh fuck  She said giving lie to her tender years As she ran towards her parents in Carriage F

  • Transcontinental

    I am stateless at least I believe I am stateless   My mother was a dwarf in a travelling circus   But this has not inhibited my growth   As I am nearly two metres tall   I never knew my father   It was rumoured he was a clown   Which probably accounts for […]

  • The Train

    The train is about to leave the platform In an hour it will pass through the wheat fields