Category: Uncategorized

  • The Train

    I will be looking at the evening sky As the train passes through the station

  • The Train

    The next city train is not due till tomorrow I will wait at the station but will not catch this train

  • The Train

    There is not a word in the dictionary That adequately describes the silences between trains

  • The Train

    When the winter arrives the wheat fields will be barren But trains will still pass by without thought

  • Future Journey

    I am sitting in a railway carriage   A woman is feeding her baby by the window   She asks if she may swop seats as the sun is hot   I agree without hesitation and ventilate the carriage further   The woman alights from the train at the next station   I know that […]

  • Railway Platforms

    We are both sitting on railway platforms many miles apart I am sitting next to a lamp post staring into space You are sitting on the station benches Listening to the sounds of an autumn afternoon The quietness of the countryside surrounds us We are deafened by its silence I feel that we are near […]

  • The Red Bulls of Granada / Los Toros Rojos de Granada

    The Red Bulls of Granada The bull ring smells of shit and fresh blood It is a familiar smell You have the ability to kill me And I have the ability to kill you My wife is sitting naked at her piano She is playing The Red Bulls of Granada She has a wonderful backside […]

  • A Question of Guilt /Una Cuestión de Culpa

    A Question of Guilt  I recently purchased a flat near a railway station My friends thought it odd as I had always lived near a beach But they were not aware that I was tormented by just one question Are bulls aware of the deserts of Spain Each day I sit on the railway station […]

  • High Plains Drifter

    What does it really mean to be a Jew   I asked of a passing frog Nothing   It answered Jews don’t exist   There are only human beings   I then gave a mango to the frog and read from an ancient poem He visits my town once a year   He fills my […]

  • I am Spanish

    When I awoke this morning I was a little concerned to discover that I had become Spanish overnight   My rabbit had begun to call me Juan and my wife was called Elena   Apart from that everything else had remained the same   Or at least I thought it had for when I opened […]