Category: Uncategorized

  • The Gardens of Deep Love

    On my return from Carpentras You gave me an unfinished poem Written by an angel I read it as I walked in procession Towards the church

  • The Pont aux Lions Railway Bridge (Arles)

    You were destroyed on a warm August afternoon by the bombs of a liberating army Trains no longer cross your wide spans as they once did Only the supports remain to act as reminders of your original purpose The magnificent lions still guard the abutments on both sides of the wide river Their purpose was […]

  • Simone de Beauvoir’s Bottom

    I saw Simone de Beauvoir’s bottom today But it made no impact on me As I am blind 

  • Summertime

    We were sitting around a pool which I thought was a good way to spend the day as we needed to recharge our batteries The day was very humid but there was a mass of cloud which was inhibiting the sun Beatrice was reading a book and swimming whilst I was listing a number of […]

  • Nude Descending a Staircase

    When I was fifteen I can remember that a television programme called Aquarius caused a stir when it showed a scene from British Sounds by Jean Luc Godard in which a naked woman both ascends and descends a staircase in rather plain house.   Little was left to the imagination and the woman’s pubic bush […]

  • Naked Happy People

    I live in the town of Naked Happy People here in Texas If a town was the opposite of its name then this is that town It has one of the highest homicide rates in the state considering its size Only last night two bikers were shot to death not far from the old chemical […]

  • Crime Scene

    I am sitting on a lonely Spanish railway station with a female philosopher Her name is Ines Although that is not important Last year this station was the scene of a murder I ask Ines for her thoughts She explains to me that it was a gang murder although she does not go in to […]

  • The Dream Life of Mimosa Trees

    You close your leaves at night to protect your pollen But before you sleep I run my fingers lightly over your Pom-Pom-Poms So that I may dream of your perfumes exotic and rare You are said to be vain and quite poisonous But this is a transparent myth Uncertain of its origin Which was lost […]

  • The Secret Life of Ashtrays

    Against my better judgement I have a few media sites live My publisher told me that it was a good move As I am naturally quite reclusive Get out there he said Let people see the man behind the books So I with a certain dread I complied The trouble is that I am a […]

  • Athens v Athens

    I came across the art installation as I walked down a path to the beach About thirty naked people were positioned on the rocks that overlooked the sea I recognised some of my friends but they did not acknowledge me An artist approached me and asked whether I like to be part of the installation […]