Category: Uncategorized

  • Summer Wishes Winter Dreams

    Harry Hooker A man of the land Sit here for a while and chat The weather is the weather We just have to get on with it …. A memorial seat in a Kent churchyard

  • Estrella Damm

    Livvy It is so nice to hear from you In answer to your question Estrella Damm is a beer Brewed in Barcelona It is a happy beer A summer beer Which advertises itself well Its latest movie Verano (Summer) 78 Is sad but joyful All at once And features beautiful Straight White people Enjoying endless […]

  • The New Bridge (original)

    In 1963 a new concrete bridge Was constructed over the river It was the first bridge Built in my home town For a thousand years My parents are buried Within its view During a visit To my home town I was asked to go shopping It was as I walked Down the hill That I […]

  • The Daughters of Bilitis

    The Daughters of Bilitis Knocked at my front door As I was cooking dinner for Harry They were selling The Ladder As they frequently did I purchased a copy As Harry was into dykes And I could not stand basketball Looking back after Harry left me I suppose this was Middle Amerika

  • The Poems of Robert Godfrey

    My sisters husband Beat me to death With our neighbours trash can Was my favourite poem At his trial he tried to blame The poetry of Pierre Louÿs Which was quite ridiculous As he could not read I watched him hang On a cold October morning In front of the tobacconists Before I went to […]

  • The Comic Book Scandal

    Some of the cartoons caused offence As men were portrayed as men And women were portrayed as women Rhododendrons as Rhododendrons I was sitting in a grubby chair Scribbling on a grubby pad With a blunt pencil It was a summer morning In mid July Lay naked on the bed In front of me Watching […]

  • Summer Mons

    Watched as her sister met the King On the White Island Uncorrupted and pure Such were the days of summer When the veils were lifted From the eyes of the cave dwellers

  • The Last Train is due in Seven Minutes

    I was waiting on a subway platform The last train was due in seven minutes There would not be another train in eternity Creatures were being celebrated In the town that I called my home These creatures disgusted me I felt dirty as I passed through them Their bright colours meant little I looked down […]

  • Lux

    Joe when did you first realise That we were different I was always attracted to you Initially I thought it was because You were so boyish in appearance I liked girls and it troubled me As I knew that I was not a queer Was there any moment Joe Possibly on the outward bound When […]

  • Annihilation

    Today is the 19th of September 2024 I am sitting on the my railway station Waiting for the Red Line Train My book arrived this morning Annihilation by Michel Houellebecq I favour his books and have read them all But I had not started to read this novel The Yellow Line train sped through the […]