Category: Uncategorized

  • Holiday for Vampires

    Girlfriend Boyfriend No Friend My Friend Why are you reading poetry When we could be doing much more Soar Whore Bore Are words that rhyme But they do not make good poetry So why are you so interested in these redundant words Let us go to the beach and teach peach reach Which is not a […]

  • The Bournemouth Poem

    On the day that my mother died I found myself walking through a damp park In a coastal town The sky was silently weeping I asked it to abandon its grief And celebrate her life with me Before the day faded into her night

  • I Am Silent

    Today I purchased a book dating from 1830 from an antiques fair It was presented to me in a turquoise and grey paper bag I have not removed it from this bag As I want it to experience its own history   Seven years ago a waitress drowned in a river near my home Since […]

  • Two Versions (Grey Sea)

    The Bournemouth Physicians They haunt the hills that surround this coastal town Spiderlike under the autumn trees I am reading from the Book of Hyacinths Which I found on the path that leads to the beach   The Bournemouth Physicians They haunt the thin hills that surround this coastal town Spiderlike under the autumn trees […]

  • Dark Café

    I am sitting at a table not far from a small iron gate Two raven haired waitresses flit in and out of the shadows Of the shady terrace They ignore me I am fair of complexion and it is likely that I cannot be seen Against the radiance of the pale flowers Neither of the waitresses are […]

  • The Green Door

    The dry autumn leaves are beginning to gather at your green door When I last visited you they were high in the summer trees But are now are scattered on the covered paths Summer has now faded And our once famous months are now nothing more than a shared memory Yet there are still pink flamingos In […]

  • Hut

    It is said that during the middle of the harshest winter That one still thinks of the sun I have now isolated myself in a freezing hut You may ask me why I have done this to myself I have no answer

  • A Garden of Lost Immunity

    When someone close to you is dying You expect the bleak winter wastes of grief But only experience the drabness of the steel autumn skies It is then that you begin to notice the small things A scuff on the readers shoe And a nurse flirting with her sadness In the shadows of the visiting room For […]

  • Matthew 11:28

    Jesus Said Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest I do not know whether these lines give me comfort or not I urgently need rest as only my outward faculties are functioning Yet in this oblivion I feel love Perhaps Jesus is looking after me Perhaps […]

  • Swimmer

    I had been swimming for a number of hours And could see the white cliffs in the distance It was then that I saw a man walking On the surface of the smooth sea Due to my increasing fatigue I could only ask him one question Do you still walk on water The man replied […]