Category: Uncategorized

  • Decay

    Hi Joe Les You are going to enjoy this I was in a small coastal town yesterday When I saw a couple of cops Sitting in a police car (obviously) They were enjoying coffee together She is such a slut Funny Man They were parked on a double yellow So what Decay Joe Decay Listening […]

  • White Light

    Come join me here in East Kent I am living in a cottage near the sea Where I used to stay when I was a child You were telling me that you have never Witnessed the bright white light That Turner celebrated and so admired Do get the next train south my dear girl And […]

  • Glittering Prizes

    Josie I must say that it fucks me off That one of our greatest poets Who has a prestigious award Named after after his achievements Has been soiled again by worthless entrants I have looked at this years nominations And not one is a true poet far from it I am not interested in perverts […]

  • The Paradise

    Our paradise was almost hidden from view Which was its biggest advantage Glenda and I often spent time there Just listening to the colourful birds And generally being very lazy I have written a number of poems About these wonderful days Which I keep locked in my study I am thinking of publishing them When […]

  • Coffee After Sex

    This is White Street Although it is called Orange Street We live in a Green House At the top of Red Street Which is near White Street And parallel to Orange Street Coffee is always better after sex

  • I Have Been Translated and Transferred to Hell

    I was in the City of the Pilgrims And unfortunately cut my finger Which caused it to bleed As I did not want to stain my clothes I went into a Catholic Church And bathed my injury In the Holy Water near the door I soon left the sacred building Thinking no more of my […]

  • Colorado Rapids

    As the year waned in the city My girlfriend gave me Her Colorado Rapids football shirt As I was rather cold in my bed She also gave me her bed socks Her brother has not noticed the theft

  • The Symmetry of Pain

    I had just begun my winter hibernation When I was awoken from my journey Painful things were happening to me I was spinning in a vacuum And unable to ground myself When the symmetry of pain Breaks your skin You bleed for many hours

  • Mallory is Coming

    They can walk, hover and the males can even sing love songs to woo mates – all this with a brain that’s tinier than a pinhead Then why do they eat shit This said they are incredible creatures Far more advanced than many humans Naughty Joe You are not a very nice person Why do […]

  • Sponges

    Sephine Did Josie Suggest this To you I like flannels But I am more Of a sponge man myself I am in my bath As I write this (do not drop your phone joe) There is plenty of room In this tub For ewe to join me later Bring your flannel And I will bring […]