Category: Uncategorized

  • The Brusio Viaduct

    The valley is full of shadows now Only the upper slopes retain the sun I spend most of my days Watching the trains pass by This brings me a great pleasure As I convalesce in my upper room When I am better I will explore the area As its beauty takes my breath away Yesterday […]

  • First Name Trudi

    I found myself lost in a complex of dingy tunnels Which were poorly lit and somewhat threatening They had once been part of large urban canal system And the lame and rusting signs often betrayed their use I had stolen a small raft when I realised that I was lost And was using a pair […]

  • Aunt Bet’s Poem

    If you can walk with Kings And not lose the common touch Then you are Gillian   If you can keep your head held high Whilst everybody is losing theirs Then you are Gillian   Happy Birthday my dear niece I know that you will turn out To be a fine young woman   That […]

  • Call Me By Your Name

    My Christian name is Janet Jane Jones I have always been confused Why my quite ordinary parents Gave me such an exotic name Especially as my second name is Smith That is why that when I reached maturity I decided to change my name To that of whosoever I was speaking to    

  • I Sent a Selfie to Yang Chi Sheng

    Whilst walking in the winter woods I sent a selfie to Yang Chi Sheng as I knew that he would soon be executed My photo showed me in my pink anorak and hiking jeans as well as my Converse trainers which were totally impractical for my day The trees behind me were bare but were […]

  • Last Thoughts on a Death Star

    I experienced my last mortal thoughts on the Death Star I dreamt of coloured sands running between my fingers On this the most colourless of stars

  • Poems of Medusa

    Pink Hairbrush I sold my pink hairbrush to a greengrocer six months ago To this day I am not sure why I did this As it left me without a hairbrush My hair became matted and I began to resemble Medusa Needless to say this did little for my social life And boyfriends were a […]

  • Angel

    A security guard found her shitting between two cars in an exclusive car park After she had hitched up her jeans the guard touched her shoulder roughly She slapped him hard in the face He sprayed her with unpleasant spray and she collapsed hitting her head on the side of a car You are killing […]

  • A Beautiful Life

    On the day that the glow worms stopped glowing Under my soft cushioned window I questioned the moon and the birds on branch But received no answers worthy of my thoughts I searched the dark rocks and imagined their illumination But nothing moved apart from the seasons change Death do not be proud as you […]

  • My Grasshoppers Tomb

    For many years I kept a grasshopper In a sage silver cage Some said I was cruel But it did not pine for the wild And on each morning of its long life I would feed it on the cool morning dew On the day that it died you constructed a splendid tomb From soft […]