Category: Uncategorized

  • Leopards in Limbo

    I ride leopards in the jungle During the summer months During the winter months I can be found riding grasshoppers And other excitable creatures   My name is Douglas

  • My Ancestors were Cavemen

    When I awoke next to you my love I was taken by the thought That some of my ancestors were cavemen You dismissed my thoughts as primitive And asked me whether I wanted An expresso or a cappuccino And promised me that if I abandoned My primitive dreams for good That you would be my […]

  • Dragonfly

    Of late I have descended into a loose chasm and have been experimenting with different substances I knew that this addiction was harming me But I could not stand the pain of my life Everything was bleak so I tried to inhibit the bright lights that surrounded me On Sunday I found myself in a […]

  • Wolves in a Hail Storm

    When I was four years old my father gave me five lead racehorses They were ridden by five lead jockeys wearing different colour silks I still have these lead toys and they often find a place in my rucksack When I am hunting the wolves that haunt these vast plains   My sister Nora often […]

  • Seychelles Webcam

    A few minutes ago I watched a couple from Germany pause briefly under a palm tree They were waiting for a table to cleared at a beach restaurant The woman was wearing a salmon vest and black cotton shorts Her male companion was casually dressed in cut downs and a white polo shirt They were […]

  • The Sea is Breathing

    It had to happen as we were messing about in our boat Billy B was as clumsy as he always was And our bottles of wine soon fell into the sea Due to the tidal currents we could not retrieve the lost bottles And when we reached the beach we abandoned our lunch to the […]

  • Leap Year

    It all began with a blue handkerchief Left carelessly on a café table in a Paris street I spotted it immediately and knew it was yours And returned it to you in your riverside apartment You were so pleased with me that you cooked a vegan dinner As you had decided to celebrate your seventh […]

  • Poem Without a Title

    When the moon is high I lose all sense of time And can often be found Wandering across The flooded water meadows Deep in conversation With others Such as myself

  • A Dozen Oil Drums

    This was the way that they would dispose of the bodies After execution the victims would be thrown into these oil drums And covered with sand concrete and dirt The gangsters would then cover their crimes By depositing these drums into deep rivers Many of these drums have since been found And the victims now […]

  • Fuck Off (Images of Europe)

    I hated Europe before it was chic to hate Europe Said Bryan at the parent teacher meeting It is an empty vessel Only the residue is considered attractive The teacher looked shocked We educate our children for what So that they may complete against each other Like dying rats in a cage Europe is broken […]