Category: Uncategorized

  • A Book of Prayers

    I suppose that they must have been dead for about a year as their bleached bones lay randomly in the sand Their wagon had lost most of its shape and was unrecognisable apart from a blackened apron As I explored this pathetic theatre I found a damaged prayer book which had belonged to one of […]

  • Subways and Proust

    Existence is of little interest to me except on days when the dusts of reality are mingled with the magic sands    I had written this on a poster that was promoting a male deodorant    It had been borrowed from Proust but I had disguised this fact    As only the switched on minds would have […]

  • The Blue Desert

    At night if there is a bright moon the sands of the desert turn blue The result is quite beautiful and it is often the last thing I see before I sleep I have isolated myself in this simple hut as I have grown tired of the world My hut can be quite cold at […]

  • The Red Desert

    The shifting red sands always return My hut is never clear no matter my toil When the winds change my home is almost hidden I fear slow suffocation but sleep very well

  • The White Desert

    I am no longer alone  People are passing my hut in great numbers Yet none speak to me Am I witnessing the end of history

  • The Green Desert

    I feel that I have slept for a number of years As the desert that surrounds my hut is mostly green Mysterious birds circle quietly in the moist skies And delicate perfumes bewitch my senses

  • The Coloured Desert

    At night if there is a bright moon the sands of the desert turn blue The result is quite beautiful and it is often the last thing I see before I sleep I have isolated myself in this simple hut as I have grown tired of the world My hut can be quite cold at […]

  • Hipsters

    We are moving house and today I was sorting out our photographs into boxes it was a long job as we have recorded our lives in intimate detail I found one photograph which showed you running across the concourse at Paddington Station You were wearing your red hipster trousers which you lost in Greece I […]

  • Duel

    I am due to fight a duel but I do not know my opponent Descriptions vary from a tall and dark man with a beard To a slightly older man with softer eyes but similar features I am told that certain mirrors hold a clue But I am yet to discover their true reflections Tomorrow […]

  • The Shifting Sands of Carbis Bay

    My wife was sitting by the window writing The Shifting Sands of Carbis Bay It was her sixth book of verse in just three years Caron was wearing a white blouse blue jeans and a pair of navy sneakers During the warmer months she would often compose naked But today was cooler with a harsh […]