Category: Uncategorized

  • Close My Eyes

    The summer is late fading It is time for you to leave Your journey will be long And sometimes quite dangerous But you will eventually return When the winds are milk mild   On the 22/09/20 a flight of swallows were seen above Walmer Beach in Kent          

  • Late Swimmer

    You are swimming in the late afternoon sea Your partner who is much older than you Watches you from the beach of long shadows He gently dries you when you return from your swim And holds your hand as you walk towards his car

  • Julie and Jacques

    Julie and Jacques were sitting at a small green table Between the Metro lines near Dubonnet station Julie was wearing an elegant red dress and Jacques was wearing a smart suit They were sharing a bottle of Dubonnet and were taking no notice of the stationary train In short that was all that was happening […]

  • Alpaca on a Football Pitch

    When you have been in the game as long as I have You often think that you have seen it all But yesterday an alpaca interrupted our football match And proceeded to stop the game He was shown a red card by the referee But refused to leave the pitch And now faces a very […]

  • Mrs Moore

    Until about about a year ago Mrs Moore lived next door I only saw her when she hung her washing out But she did not speak to me And it was about then that I began to get fascinated With the contents of her washing line You must understand that this was not in strange […]

  • The Thoughts of Margit

    My name is Margit Kaufman I have been in jail for twenty-eight years My crime was that I was considered to be a terrorist In that time I have faced thirty-two penalties And have saved nine of them I have also invented a new brand of sticky toffee There is talk of my release There […]

  • The Christ Bird

    The Christ Bird The Christ Bird has risen from the sea It has passed the limits of our horizons And is heading towards its Pale Heaven   Migration Christ Bird Grey Sea Blush Sun Golden Clouds Pale Heaven

  • Holy Journey

    Holy Christ Grey Blush Golden Pale Journey Bird Sea Sun Clouds Heaven

  • Earthworm Expert

    I am an oligochaeteologist which in short means that I am expert on earthworms Most of us ignore earthworms and shy away from them without thought Women especially do not like earthworms as they remind them of a flaccid penis or worse Malevolent children cut these wonderful creatures in half but this does not kill […]

  • Deal Sunrise

    If I looked at this sunrise Through monochrome eyes Then it would not impress me at a