Category: Uncategorized

  • Silent Dusty Beach

    The September breeze Promises fine weather I am on the dry dusty beach Watching the shadows Of the wind sculptures Travel with the day     In September 2020 a shipment of Cornish granite could be seen on Walmer beach  

  • Fuck You Vadim Saul

    On the 5th of October 1960 Hilary Karin Keith after finishing her short poem Green Symphony left her apartment to buy some fish for her cat She was never seen again On the 5th of October 1960 Hilary Karin Keith after finishing her short poem Green Symphony shot herself in the head The inquest ruled […]

  • Loving Dover

    True you are a little unkempt even scruffy in the way you dress But I see your beauty under your skin That said I adore seeing you unclothed You have a cleft chin and your body hair is quite wild I have never liked female tattoos and you have too many But your side streets […]

  • The Lark and Felix Mary

    You can see that the sweet bird is trapped In our green gilded cage But you choose not to release it And remain with me Listening to its slow erotic songs Her Blush Her Blush Her Blush 

  • The Houses In Seaton

    Greedy Grey Green Gulls Gather Granite Grimly   Guilty Gardens Grow Gaudy Golden Gifts Gaily

  • Deep Purple

    I do not think I have anything else to say Do enjoy the luxurious title of this poem This is my gift to you

  • Winter Violets

    in the desolation of the season your deep colour brings hope to all who describe you

  • Earl Grey

    I would gladly go into battle With the brave and dashing Earl As I know that he would protect me From all that comes our way

  • Lady Grey

    My Ladys cunt is both Perfumed and sweet And I enjoy her soft touch On my dry rancid tongue      

  • Violet Love Poem

    You are wearing my violet shirt again But that does not bother me As you are far more beautiful Than I could ever wish to be Violet Love Poem You are wearing my violet shirt again But that means little or nothing to me As you are far more more beautiful Than I could ever […]