Category: Uncategorized

  • An Afternoon on the Beach

    The day had started as it was meant to continue The early morning cloud had faded within hours And by noon the sky was sunny and mostly clear We arrived on the beach at about twelve thirty And set ourselves up by the old rusty winch Nearby in the castle grounds an outdoor cinema was being […]

  • Caron and the Clouds

    You are standing directly above me With you palms turned downwards The light is radiant on your tanned face And in your golden seaswept hair I would like to hold your attention for a moment But your gaze is as distant as your afternoon thoughts

  • Christopher taught my Dog to Swim

    I live in a small hut on the edge of Lake Nothing Or at least during the summer months I do For the rest of the year I vacation in downtown LA Where I own a business selling personalised pencils My cousin is a girl called Christopher taught who has swum for the USA She is […]

  • Zen Fields

    I have searched for the Zen Fields for many months But they can only be sensed not seen or even touched You have been my companion throughout this long journey And without you I would I would have faded long ago I now know that I will find these peaceful fields quite soon As without beauty the […]

  • Joaquim Blue/Tennis Bitch

    Every Tuesday I meet my friend Tennis Bitch For a game of chess in the Higher Park She has won twenty-eight consecutive games Against my poor serve although my backhand is strong To anyone passing by we must look very odd As she is very short and I am very tall Tennis Bitch is obviously […]

  • Blue Love has a Deep Meaning

    An early morning train breaks the silence Of my sleepy coastal town I can hear its blue love in the morning air From my Walmer garden I can see the young sun Becoming busy as it decorates the lively sea This brings me a great deal of pleasure

  • La Foret Enchantee

    I can hear all the echoes from all the berries that hang from the enchanted trees This happens mainly on soft summer mornings as i walk towards the seashore Naked wood nymphs hold each of my hands but insist that I journey barefoot They leave me when I am in sight of the gentle sea  So that […]

  • Avenue Voltaire

    Although my coastal town has many streets named after famous philosophers We do not have an Avenue Voltaire I used to have a cousin named Avenue Voltaire and we spent many happy summers together in Southern France She is now a Marine Biologist There are no Marine Biologists in my small coastal town And that is […]

  • Coffee Bean

    You are one of the most mysterious of creatures I was reminded of the sad cockroach Gregor in Kafka’s tale As you sat half hidden amongst the wafer thin sea grasses You had escaped from a market stall on the long coastal path I supposed that you were running in the general direction of the […]

  • A Map of the Past

    Agnes A would often sit at her garden table As the air became warm in the emerging hours She would drink cinnamon coffee from a bright earth mug And think of her guitar heroes both alive and dead Unlike other girls her hair was jet black and cut quite short She had a nude likeness of […]