Category: Uncategorized

  • Brown-Pink

    I remember being in bed and watching you read You were wearing a brown -pink chiffon shirt I greatly admired its gossamer-thin qualities No words had passed between us for over an hour But the air was busy with our idle chit-chat We had not stopped talking since our arrival

  • Ginger

    Under a small ginger bush in my ginger garden There are two figures hidden from view I have named them Pippa and Phil Both are ginger with fair complexions So I shield them from the high coastal sun Which can be quite strong at this time of year It is said that they work on […]

  • The Underside of Bridges

    During my many summer walks I have often detained myself Under lonely summer stone bridges Many think I am shading myself from the savage sun But the truth of my theatre is far more simple The reason that I rest under these ancient bridges Is that I enjoy the company of the yellow angels Who […]

  • Waiting for the Lightning

    Waiting at my window during the darkest hours These were the best minutes of my life Twice during that short period the skies were bright lit And I saw the betrayed night clouds In all their nocturnal splendour

  • Sunset in Cornwall

    I caught the sun in its last few moments riding Before it drifted quietly into the dark hills hiding The tide is low and awaits the calmness of the night Where it will remain without caution out of sight

  • Deserted Canterbury

    The streets that are normally thronged with tourists are silent now Canterbury’s shops are open and awaiting their summer trade But it does not visit them and they are beginning to fade slowly from sight As the sun skipped in and out of the clouds I noticed the pale fires beginning to glow In a […]

  • Long Days

    You had tasked me to start a library I had been instructed to borrow six books from two churches A Catholic Church and a Happy Clappy Church I chose the latter and entered the church whilst the service was in full swing It seemed that happy clappy people were bouncing off of the walls I […]

  • Newcastle

    I had always been terrified of heights but found myself on the roof of a very tall building To make matters worse I was wearing only my underpants The elastic had broken and they were slipping away I was terrified and embarrassed at the same time You told me that there was a lift that travelled […]

  • Stone Mauritius

    Stone Mauritius was a game that we played as children It involved throwing pebbles into the sea just as waves broke And the winner was the person who could break the clear water nearest to a wave My love of mathematics was developed whilst playing this innocent game Stone Mauritius is not widely played these […]

  • Watch With Mother

    You are lying naked on our bed My mother is sitting in front of you She is watching a nature programme My mother enjoys watching the television Whereas you display a contempt for this occupation