Category: Uncategorized

  • Seagulls

    It used to be chic to admire seagulls But tastes have changed and now you are treated as vermin Which is partially of your own making  As you are almost feral in your scavenging I cannot see that that this is going to improve So an impasse will remain in place Which is a little […]

  • Summer Seagulls and Autumn Storms

    I once knew Jonathan Livingston and his pupil Fletcher Lynd But they are now both long gone and only the brilliant white gulls remember them I often think of this as I watch the summer seagulls chase the autumn storms away

  • Even Pigeons Get The Blues

    An idiot once said that you are rats with wings Which just highlights the stupidity of those in power You are very intelligent creatures no argument is required So ignore your bad press as there are many who admire you During the wars your ancestors showed outstanding bravery Which is more than be said of […]

  • Linnet

    My friendly little seed-eater You have come to visit me again It has been quite a while since we last met And during that time I have become quite poor It is very likely that I will lose the farm But I have provided for you today As the Lord requested me to do Please […]

  • Bigger Than Piers

    I have always known that I am bigger than most piers But I have ignored this fact for many years As it disturbs me at night and causes unclear dreams   I have spoken to a number of piers about this And they have all been sympathetic as the condition is rare At present there […]

  • Silver From My Eyes

    Of late I have noted silver dropping from my eyes Like Tears I do not know why this is happening And find the whole situation rather disturbing

  • Woodpecker

    Although I rarely see you I gain great pleasure When we meet As I admire you luxurious colours And your primal music You are a shy bird Late of trees Who live solitary lives And freeze when in dispute Like me you are day active And rest at night You can perch on vertical surfaces Which […]

  • Early Morning Rain

    Early morning rain Wind from the east gathers pace Wet paths expected  

  • Golden Mists

    Golden mists brittle Will fade during this warm day Beauties short pageant  

  • The Poetry Field

    Warm caressing air Humble beginnings betrayed Dark season ahead