Category: Uncategorized

  • The Poetry Field

    There is paleness to your skin Dress before the winter months chill you  

  • The Second Spring

    I have been seduced by your velvet decay The small deaths Highlight your deep colours  

  • The Second Spring

    What Colours! But your brittle textures Inhibit me  

  • The Second Spring

    I admired your youth I admired the fullness of your summer But now as we wait for our winter I am no longer seduced by your vivid colours  

  • The Alphabet Trees

    The Alphabet Trees Have Helped Me And Continue To Help Me God Bless The Alphabet Trees  

  • Sandwich Limb

    I own a brightly coloured beach hut in Brightlingsea Which I occasionally visit I also own a fish and chip shop here in Sandwich Which I have called Papas Fish & Chip Shop As my grandchildren Call me Papa And enjoy fish and chips But they do not like my beach hut As they consider […]

  • Irish Writers come to die in Brightlingsea

    Well that is not strictly true As no famous Irish writers or poets Have died here I live in this small town But I am not Irish And I hate the taste of oysters This said I consume Five sandwiches each day To aid my delicate constitution Before I swim in the sea I am […]

  • Sevilla

    I am told that I have have Spanish blood in my veins My father informed me of this when I was very small He said that his maternal grandfather had been born in Sevilla in 1871 I have never visited this city Although I intend to do so in the very near future Perhaps I […]

  • Feliz Cumpleanos

    Hoy es mi cumpleaños Ayer fue mi cumpleaños Yo tenía un cumpleaños hace seis meses El 6 de diciembre Mi rata no tiene cumpleaños Como no puedo molestarme en celebrarlo Mi madre me tejió un jersey Que no he usado Como el clima en España es caliente La rata duerme en ella Esperando su cumpleaños

  • Feliz Cumpleanos

    Today is my birthday Yesterday was my birthday I had a birthday six months ago On the sixth of December My rat does not have a birthday As I cannot be bothered to celebrate it My mother knitted me a pullover Which I have not worn As the weather in Spain is hot The rat […]