Category: Uncategorized

  • Father Assistance and Louis

    Father Assistance and his friend Louis were sitting in a park not far from the cathedral The imposing building dominated the city and could clearly be seen over the nearby trees It is good to see you again Father Your joy is small compared with mine my friend Are you in the city for long? […]

  • Hungerford Common Haiku

    Hungerford Common Haiku Summer has ended No more drinks on the common Touch the autumn breeze  

  • Late Summer Haiku

    Late Summer Haiku Hot August day dawns The summer birds are leaving Cooler September  

  • Late Summer Haiku

    Late Summer Haiku Hot August day dawns Cooler September hidden The rains are waiting    

  • Autumn Haiku

    Autumn winds chill us The shortening days lack pace Grey skies scar the month  

  • Haiku written on the 29th of August 2017 at St Margaret’s Bay in Kent

    Hot promenade day Visitors at rest relax Admiring the view     Girl with a dog smiles She paddles in the warm sea A passing gull dives  

  • John Keats Superhero

    What are you writing? A short story What is it called? John Keats Superhero Fanny looked at me John was poet A magnificent poet That is where you are wrong  Have you really read his poetry? Every word And you have never spotted the code? What code? Just check out nightingale   My heart aches […]

  • Estover Bight

    I found my dog pissing against a film poster which showed a pretty Swedish actress in Edwardian dress Cunt Fucking dog I wanted to piss in her face Your fucking dog pissed over me as well as the film poster That is no reason to be bitter brick When I was younger and had more […]

  • Crazy DNA – MAN – Crazy DNA

    Kathy lay stoned on the bed she had been motionless for over an hour. Dorset touched her foot with his pen and watched her flinch She opened her eyes and smiled lightly and returned to her sleep Dorset looked around the room at the posters he was designing they ranged from the ones he was […]

  • Bicycle Over Water

    It was the hottest day of the year. Danny One was watering his Jericho Rose in the corner of the garden. As he let the water fall onto the dry rose he considered the month. August was always a month that deceived. Within weeks the air would have cooled and the days would become darker. […]